Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

Medical News Today News Alert

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Biology / Biochemistry News
New X-Ray Camera Will Reveal Big Secrets About How Chemistry Works
Designed to record bursts of images at an unprecedented speed of 4.5 million frames per second, an innovative X-ray camera being built with STFC's world-class engineering expertise will help a major new research facility shed light on the structure of matter.
31 July 2011

Bones / Orthopedics News
Dogs Help Researchers To Improve Their Understanding Of Bone Cancer
A team led by Dr. Jaime Modiano, a College of Veterinary Medicine and Masonic Cancer center expert in comparative medicine, discovered a gene pattern that distinguishes the more severe form of bone cancer from a less aggressive form in dogs.
31 July 2011

Breast Cancer News
Introducing Maspin Protein Into Tumor Nucleus Can Halt Growth And Spread
According to the Canadian Cancer Society, one in four Canadians will die of cancer. This year alone, the disease will kill an estimated 75,000 people. With incidence rates on the rise, more cancer patients are facing grave prognoses.
31 July 2011
Progressive Decrease In Telomere Length Characterizes Familial Breast Cancer Patients
Telomeres, the complex structures that protect the end of chromosomes, of peripheral blood cells are significantly shorter in patients with familial breast cancer than in the general population.
31 July 2011

Cancer / Oncology News
Dogs Help Researchers To Improve Their Understanding Of Bone Cancer
A team led by Dr. Jaime Modiano, a College of Veterinary Medicine and Masonic Cancer center expert in comparative medicine, discovered a gene pattern that distinguishes the more severe form of bone cancer from a less aggressive form in dogs.
31 July 2011
Introducing Maspin Protein Into Tumor Nucleus Can Halt Growth And Spread
According to the Canadian Cancer Society, one in four Canadians will die of cancer. This year alone, the disease will kill an estimated 75,000 people. With incidence rates on the rise, more cancer patients are facing grave prognoses.
31 July 2011

Cosmetic Medicine / Plastic Surgery News
Relation Found Between Rhinoplasty And Mental Illness
The desire for plastic surgery, and in particular nose jobs, may be a tell tale sign of a mental illness called dysmorphic disorder (BDD), which is basically is an unnatural preoccupation with slight or imagined defects in appearance.
31 July 2011

Diabetes News
Stave Off Diabetes Insulin Resistance With Muscle Mass Training
It seems that hitting the gym and resistance training may not only keep you fit and looking smart, but also will lower your risk of type 2 diabetes. People who are overweight are more likely to have insulin resistance, because fat interferes with the body's ability to use insulin.
31 July 2011

Flu / Cold / SARS News
Universal Influenza Vaccine In Reach Targeting Key Common Proteins
Almost a quarter million people are hospitalized with the flu every year, and an estimated 3,000 to 49,000 die, making the flu one of the chief causes of preventable death in the USA. However, a universal flu vaccine that protects against all strains may be within reach in the next five years that will make yearly shots a thing of the past according to experts.
31 July 2011

Genetics News
Progressive Decrease In Telomere Length Characterizes Familial Breast Cancer Patients
Telomeres, the complex structures that protect the end of chromosomes, of peripheral blood cells are significantly shorter in patients with familial breast cancer than in the general population.
31 July 2011
Understanding Bacterial Resistance To Antibiotics
The number of multiresistant strains of bacteria in hospitals is increasing. Bacteria acquire resistance to antibiotics through mutations in their chromosomes and by incorporating new genes, either from the surrounding environment or from other bacteria.
31 July 2011

Immune System / Vaccines News
Universal Influenza Vaccine In Reach Targeting Key Common Proteins
Almost a quarter million people are hospitalized with the flu every year, and an estimated 3,000 to 49,000 die, making the flu one of the chief causes of preventable death in the USA. However, a universal flu vaccine that protects against all strains may be within reach in the next five years that will make yearly shots a thing of the past according to experts.
31 July 2011

Infectious Diseases / Bacteria / Viruses News
Understanding Bacterial Resistance To Antibiotics
The number of multiresistant strains of bacteria in hospitals is increasing. Bacteria acquire resistance to antibiotics through mutations in their chromosomes and by incorporating new genes, either from the surrounding environment or from other bacteria.
31 July 2011

IT / Internet / E-mail News
Walking On Water: Bionic Microrobot Mimics The 'Water Strider'
Scientists are reporting development of a new aquatic microrobot that mimics the amazing water-walking abilities of the water strider - the long-legged insect that scoots across the surface of ponds, lakes and other waterways.
31 July 2011

Medical Devices / Diagnostics News
New X-Ray Camera Will Reveal Big Secrets About How Chemistry Works
Designed to record bursts of images at an unprecedented speed of 4.5 million frames per second, an innovative X-ray camera being built with STFC's world-class engineering expertise will help a major new research facility shed light on the structure of matter.
31 July 2011

Mental Health News
Relation Found Between Rhinoplasty And Mental Illness
The desire for plastic surgery, and in particular nose jobs, may be a tell tale sign of a mental illness called dysmorphic disorder (BDD), which is basically is an unnatural preoccupation with slight or imagined defects in appearance.
31 July 2011

MRSA / Drug Resistance News
Understanding Bacterial Resistance To Antibiotics
The number of multiresistant strains of bacteria in hospitals is increasing. Bacteria acquire resistance to antibiotics through mutations in their chromosomes and by incorporating new genes, either from the surrounding environment or from other bacteria.
31 July 2011

Neurology / Neuroscience News
Tenfold Increase In Stroke Risk Following Traumatic Brain Injury
If you suffer traumatic brain injury, your risk of having a stroke within three months may increase tenfold, according to a new study reported in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association.
31 July 2011

Ovarian Cancer News
Introducing Maspin Protein Into Tumor Nucleus Can Halt Growth And Spread
According to the Canadian Cancer Society, one in four Canadians will die of cancer. This year alone, the disease will kill an estimated 75,000 people. With incidence rates on the rise, more cancer patients are facing grave prognoses.
31 July 2011

Pediatrics / Children's Health News
Dogs Help Researchers To Improve Their Understanding Of Bone Cancer
A team led by Dr. Jaime Modiano, a College of Veterinary Medicine and Masonic Cancer center expert in comparative medicine, discovered a gene pattern that distinguishes the more severe form of bone cancer from a less aggressive form in dogs.
31 July 2011

Pharma Industry / Biotech Industry News
Research Offers Vast Family Of New Catalysts For Use In Drug Discovery, Biotechnology
Chemists at the University of California, Riverside have accomplished in the lab what until now was considered impossible: transform a family of compounds which are acids into bases.As our chemistry lab sessions have taught us, acids are substances that taste sour and react with metals and bases (bases are the chemical opposite of acids).
31 July 2011

Psychology / Psychiatry News
Imitation May Be The Sincerest Form Of Flattery, But Clueless Copycatting Comes At A Cost
As anyone who has been subjected to the mocking playground game knows, parroting can be annoying. Yet gentle mimicry can act as a kind of "social glue" in human relationships. It fosters rapport and trust.
31 July 2011

Public Health News
Prisoners Need Greater Awareness Of Voluntary Services To Aid Their Resettlement
New research from the Third Sector Research Centre (TSRC) highlights the need to make prisoners more aware of voluntary organisations that could help them towards resettlement. The report shows that despite the relatively high number of third sector organisations working within prisons, many are not known by prisoners.
31 July 2011
Walking On Water: Bionic Microrobot Mimics The 'Water Strider'
Scientists are reporting development of a new aquatic microrobot that mimics the amazing water-walking abilities of the water strider - the long-legged insect that scoots across the surface of ponds, lakes and other waterways.
31 July 2011

Stroke News
Tenfold Increase In Stroke Risk Following Traumatic Brain Injury
If you suffer traumatic brain injury, your risk of having a stroke within three months may increase tenfold, according to a new study reported in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association.
31 July 2011

Water - Air Quality / Agriculture News
Walking On Water: Bionic Microrobot Mimics The 'Water Strider'
Scientists are reporting development of a new aquatic microrobot that mimics the amazing water-walking abilities of the water strider - the long-legged insect that scoots across the surface of ponds, lakes and other waterways.
31 July 2011

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News: Canon EOS Rebel T1i 15.1 MP CMOS Digital SLR Camera with 3-Inch LCD and EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Lens

Canon EOS Rebel T1i 15.1 MP CMOS Digital SLR Camera with 3-Inch LCD and EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Lens

  • New 15.1-megapixel CMOS sensor with DIGIC 4 Image Processor
  • Includes Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS lens
  • Full HD video capture at 1920 x 1080 resolution; HDMI output
  • 3.0-inch Clear View LCD; Live View Function for stills (Quick, Live and Face Detection AF modes) and video
  • Capture images and video to SD/SDHC memory cards (not included)

%3Cp%3E%0ACanon%27s new EOS Rebel T1i is packed with features%2C both refined and new%2E In addition to its admirable performance with an all%2Dnew 15%2E1 Megapixel Canon CMOS sensor%2C DIGIC 4 Image Processor%2C a 3%2E0%2Dinch Clear View LCD with anti%2Dreflective and scratch%2Dresistant coating%2C and compatibility with the EOS System of lenses and Speedlites%2C the EOS Rebel T1i adds remarkable Full HD video capture at resolutions up to 1920 x 1080%2E An HDMI port allows for quick connections to high definition TVs and monitorss for easy viewing of your stills and video%2E The entire operation is simple and easy even if you are a beginner%2E %0A%3C%2Fp%3E

Canon EOS Rebel T1i 15.1 MP CMOS Digital SLR Camera with 3-Inch LCD and EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Lens

About Entrepreneurs: Entrepreneurs Can Learn Negotiating Tactics from Debt-Ceiling Talks

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From Mitchell York, your Guide to Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs Can Learn Negotiating Tactics from Debt-Ceiling Talks
The debt-ceiling negotiations taking place in Washington offer some critical lessons for entrepreneurs. Whether you're selling a business, buying new equipment, or hiring an expensive new executive,  take five and... Read more

Updating the Kitchen Cabinet Business with e-Commerce
  My friends at the Young Entrepreneurs Council have some fascinating members with great stories to tell about getting started in business as under-30-somethings.  I'll be posting occasional articles,  the first... Read more

Entrepreneurial Lessons from My Father
My entrepreneur father passed away earlier this week at age 90. He ran a delicatessen in Manhattan which transformed into a prestige catering business that morphed into a party rental... Read more

Famous Entrepreneurs
From Benjamin Franklin to Ben & Jerry, William Penn to Bill Gates, Eli Whitney to Oprah Winfrey, famous entrepreneurs, both historical and contemporary, offer insight and inspiration through their stories.


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10 Bathroom Remodels
There's nothing worse than a bathroom remodel that looks like it belongs in a gas station. If you're looking for inspiration, you'll find it in these luxe, lush photos. More>

Inspired Bathroom Tile Choices
New tile can transform your bathroom in countless ways, whether you're looking for a playful, colorful child's bath, a cool and elegant sanctuary, or a bold sophisticated escape. More>

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Mitchell York
Entrepreneurs Guide
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News: GE Power Pro X500-BK 16 MP with 15 x Optical Zoom Digital Camera, Black

GE Power Pro X500-BK 16 MP with 15 x Optical Zoom Digital Camera, Black

GE X500 Power Pro Series Bridge Camera with Electronic View Finder, Optical Image Stabilization, 16MP, 15X Optical Zoom, 2.7″LCD, 27mm Wide Angle Lens and advanced features including Shutter & Aperture Priority mode, Program mode, ASCN, Pan-Capture Panorama, Smile & Blink Detection, Face Detection, Face Auto Exposure, Red-Eye Removal, High Dynamic Range. Power by AA Battery.

GE Power Pro X500-BK 16 MP with 15 x Optical Zoom Digital Camera, Black

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From Mark Kahler, your Guide to Budget Travel
Overbooking is a fact of life for airlines, and you can profit from it.

Airline Bump and Budget Travel
Volunteering to be "bumped" from an overbooked flight can greatly reduce the cost of your next trip ...Read more

Deals for the Week
Here's the latest list of 10 travel deals for this week. Many of these links lead to offers with a very limited shelf life, so if you're interested, act quickly... Read more

Planning Your First Budget Trip to Europe
If you think you can't afford a trip to Europe, take a look at these 10 tips. They might change your mind ...Read more

Rewards Credit Cards
Before you sign up, ask these critical questions... Read more


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10 Bathroom Remodels
There's nothing worse than a bathroom remodel that looks like it belongs in a gas station. If you're looking for inspiration, you'll find it in these luxe, lush photos. More>

Inspired Bathroom Tile Choices
New tile can transform your bathroom in countless ways, whether you're looking for a playful, colorful child's bath, a cool and elegant sanctuary, or a bold sophisticated escape. More>

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Mark Kahler
Budget Travel Guide
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News: Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF2 12 MP Micro Four-Thirds Interchangeable Lens Digital Camera with 3.0-Inch Touch-Screen LCD and 14mm f/2.5 G Aspherical Lens (White)

Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF2 12 MP Micro Four-Thirds Interchangeable Lens Digital Camera with 3.0-Inch Touch-Screen LCD and 14mm f/2.5 G Aspherical Lens (White)

  • 12.1-megapixel multi-aspect Live MOS Sensor; Micro Four Thirds format digitalcamera
  • Kit includes 14mm lens; capture high-quality photos in 3D with optional lens
  • Full HD video capability; Venus Engine FHD enables Intelligent Resolution technology
  • 3-inch free-angle touch-screen LCD; newly-designed Touch Q-menu allows focus to be set, or shutter released, with just a touch
  • Built-in flash; compact, lightweight design for ease of use and portability

The LUMIX GF2 is Panasonics signature DSL Micro Compact system digitalcamera in its mirrorless line-up. It’s the smallest and lightest model offered by Panasonic, while still offering the superb image quality expected from LUMIX. Comparing to the GF1, its predecessor, the GF2 has been reduced approximately 19% in size and approximately 7% in weight yet is still retains its signature built-in flash and all metal body.

The GF2 has been “future-proofed” with its support for 3D shooting while not compromising ease of operation or image quality. 3D shooting can now be easily accomplished with the addition of Panasonic’s new 3D interchangeable lens (LUMIX G 12.5mm / F12). Images can be printed in 2D or 3D and can be easily di

Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF2 12 MP Micro Four-Thirds Interchangeable Lens Digital Camera with 3.0-Inch Touch-Screen LCD and 14mm f/2.5 G Aspherical Lens (White)

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