Minggu, 27 Mei 2012

Pre Engineering Test Madhya Pradesh Exam Result | MP PET Result 2012

The Madhya Pradesh Pre-Engineering Test (MP PET) is conducted every year by the Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board for admission to Bachelor in Engineering (B.E.) course in various technical institutes across Madhya Pradesh.

Click here for MP PET Result >>


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Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012

Medical News Today News Alert

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Breast Cancer News
Breast Cancer Risk Associated With Sex Hormones Reduced By Losing Weight
The Journal of Clinical Oncology has published a study online which reveals that even a moderate amount of weight loss can considerably decrease levels of circulating estrogens that are linked to a higher risk of breast cancer.
26 May 2012
Combo Of Heat Shock Protein Inhibitor And Hormonal Therapy Being Tested In Breast Cancer Clinical Trial
Pushed to the brink of survival, the hyper-driven cells of a cancerous tumor tap into an ancient system that has helped organisms cope with internal stresses and environmental challenges since life began.
26 May 2012

Cancer / Oncology News
Orphan Sleep Drug Findings May Lead To New Cancer Therapies
A new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reveals that an inexpensive "orphan drug" for the treatment of sleep disorders seems to be a potent inhibitor of cancer cells.
26 May 2012
Telomere Stability And Carcinogenesis: An Off-Again, On-Again Relationship
Previous studies in mice have demonstrated antagonistic effects of telomerase loss on carcinogenesis. Telomere attrition can promote genome instability thereby stimulating initiation of early-stage cancers, but can also inhibit tumorigenesis by promoting permanent cell growth arrest or death.
26 May 2012
Childhood Cancer Scars Survivors Later In Life
Scars left behind by childhood cancer treatments are more than skin-deep. The increased risk of disfigurement and persistent hair loss caused by childhood cancer and treatment are associated with emotional distress and reduced quality of life in adulthood, according to a new study led by a Northwestern Medicine advanced practice nurse, Karen Kinahan, and based on data from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (CCSS).
26 May 2012

Cleft Palate News
Cleft Lip/Palate Cause Much More Than Cosmetic Problems
Children born with cleft lip, cleft palate and other craniofacial disorders face numerous medical challenges beyond appearance.Patients can face serious airway, feeding, speech and hearing problems, as well as social and psychological challenges, Laura Swibel Rosenthal, MD, of Loyola University Medical Center and colleagues write in the June 2012 issue of Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America.
26 May 2012

Clinical Trials / Drug Trials News
Lung Function Of Patients With Severe Emphysema Improved With Tiny Implanted Coil
A tiny, resilient metal wire designed to gather and compress diseased lung tissue may offer relief to patients with severe heterogeneous emphysema, a subtype of the disease that involves specific, usually isolated areas of the lungs, according to the results of a multicenter international trial conducted in the Netherlands, Germany and France.
26 May 2012
Combo Of Heat Shock Protein Inhibitor And Hormonal Therapy Being Tested In Breast Cancer Clinical Trial
Pushed to the brink of survival, the hyper-driven cells of a cancerous tumor tap into an ancient system that has helped organisms cope with internal stresses and environmental challenges since life began.
26 May 2012

Cosmetic Medicine / Plastic Surgery News
Cleft Lip/Palate Cause Much More Than Cosmetic Problems
Children born with cleft lip, cleft palate and other craniofacial disorders face numerous medical challenges beyond appearance.Patients can face serious airway, feeding, speech and hearing problems, as well as social and psychological challenges, Laura Swibel Rosenthal, MD, of Loyola University Medical Center and colleagues write in the June 2012 issue of Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America.
26 May 2012

Dermatology News
What Is The Best Way To Obtain Vitamin D?
This summer, individuals in the UK should go outside for a few minutes each day in order to top up their vitamin D levels, according to the fifth Sunlight Campaign from the National Osteoporosis Society.
26 May 2012

Diabetes News
Diabetes Treatment - Potential New Target
The online edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reports that Cincinnati University (UC) researchers have discovered that apolipoprotein A-IV (apoA-IV), a naturally produced protein that has the ability to reduce blood sugar levels and enhance insulin secretion, could be a potential target for a new diabetes treatment.
26 May 2012

GastroIntestinal / Gastroenterology News
Irritable Bowel Linked To Gut Bacteria, Definitively
A new study of Greek patients shows that overgrowth of bacteria in the gut is definitively linked to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It is the first to use the "gold standard" method of examining gut bacterial cultures to connect bacteria to the cause of a disease that affects some 30 million Americans.
26 May 2012

Genetics News
'Personality Genes' May Help Account For Longevity
"It's in their genes" is a common refrain from scientists when asked about factors that allow centenarians to reach age 100 and beyond. Up until now, research has focused on genetic variations that offer a physiological advantage such as high levels of HDL ("good") cholesterol.
26 May 2012

Irritable-Bowel Syndrome News
Irritable Bowel Linked To Gut Bacteria, Definitively
A new study of Greek patients shows that overgrowth of bacteria in the gut is definitively linked to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It is the first to use the "gold standard" method of examining gut bacterial cultures to connect bacteria to the cause of a disease that affects some 30 million Americans.
26 May 2012

Medical Devices / Diagnostics News
Lung Function Of Patients With Severe Emphysema Improved With Tiny Implanted Coil
A tiny, resilient metal wire designed to gather and compress diseased lung tissue may offer relief to patients with severe heterogeneous emphysema, a subtype of the disease that involves specific, usually isolated areas of the lungs, according to the results of a multicenter international trial conducted in the Netherlands, Germany and France.
26 May 2012

Neurology / Neuroscience News
Childhood Obesity Increases Likelihood Of A Cranial Disorder That May Cause Blindness
Children who are overweight or obese -- particularly older, non-Hispanic white girls -- are more likely to have a neurological disorder known as idiopathic intracranial hypertension, a rare condition that can result in blindness, according to a new Kaiser Permanente study published in The Journal of Pediatrics.
26 May 2012

Obesity / Weight Loss / Fitness News
Breast Cancer Risk Associated With Sex Hormones Reduced By Losing Weight
The Journal of Clinical Oncology has published a study online which reveals that even a moderate amount of weight loss can considerably decrease levels of circulating estrogens that are linked to a higher risk of breast cancer.
26 May 2012
Childhood Obesity Increases Likelihood Of A Cranial Disorder That May Cause Blindness
Children who are overweight or obese -- particularly older, non-Hispanic white girls -- are more likely to have a neurological disorder known as idiopathic intracranial hypertension, a rare condition that can result in blindness, according to a new Kaiser Permanente study published in The Journal of Pediatrics.
26 May 2012

Pediatrics / Children's Health News
Childhood Obesity Increases Likelihood Of A Cranial Disorder That May Cause Blindness
Children who are overweight or obese -- particularly older, non-Hispanic white girls -- are more likely to have a neurological disorder known as idiopathic intracranial hypertension, a rare condition that can result in blindness, according to a new Kaiser Permanente study published in The Journal of Pediatrics.
26 May 2012
Cleft Lip/Palate Cause Much More Than Cosmetic Problems
Children born with cleft lip, cleft palate and other craniofacial disorders face numerous medical challenges beyond appearance.Patients can face serious airway, feeding, speech and hearing problems, as well as social and psychological challenges, Laura Swibel Rosenthal, MD, of Loyola University Medical Center and colleagues write in the June 2012 issue of Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America.
26 May 2012

Psychology / Psychiatry News
Marital Disagreements Reveal Climate Of The Marriage
According to a study by a Baylor University researcher entitled 'The Communication of Emotion During Conflict in Married Couples', married couples are usually very good at recognizing each other's emotions during conflicts.
26 May 2012
Positive Words: The Glue To Social Interaction
Scientists at ETH Zurich have studied the use of language, finding that words with a positive emotional content are more frequently used in written communication. This result supports the theory that social relations are enhanced by a positive bias in human communication.
26 May 2012
Childhood Cancer Scars Survivors Later In Life
Scars left behind by childhood cancer treatments are more than skin-deep. The increased risk of disfigurement and persistent hair loss caused by childhood cancer and treatment are associated with emotional distress and reduced quality of life in adulthood, according to a new study led by a Northwestern Medicine advanced practice nurse, Karen Kinahan, and based on data from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (CCSS).
26 May 2012
'Personality Genes' May Help Account For Longevity
"It's in their genes" is a common refrain from scientists when asked about factors that allow centenarians to reach age 100 and beyond. Up until now, research has focused on genetic variations that offer a physiological advantage such as high levels of HDL ("good") cholesterol.
26 May 2012

Respiratory / Asthma News
Lung Function Of Patients With Severe Emphysema Improved With Tiny Implanted Coil
A tiny, resilient metal wire designed to gather and compress diseased lung tissue may offer relief to patients with severe heterogeneous emphysema, a subtype of the disease that involves specific, usually isolated areas of the lungs, according to the results of a multicenter international trial conducted in the Netherlands, Germany and France.
26 May 2012

Seniors / Aging News
'Personality Genes' May Help Account For Longevity
"It's in their genes" is a common refrain from scientists when asked about factors that allow centenarians to reach age 100 and beyond. Up until now, research has focused on genetic variations that offer a physiological advantage such as high levels of HDL ("good") cholesterol.
26 May 2012
Findings May Lead To Strategies To Treat Age-Related Diseases And Improve Regenerative Medicine
Stem cells are essential building blocks for all organisms, from plants to humans. They can divide and renew themselves throughout life, differentiating into the specialized tissues needed during development, as well as cells necessary to repair adult tissue.
26 May 2012

Sports Medicine / Fitness News
Cyber Exercise Partners Help You Go The Distance
A new study testing the benefits of a virtual exercise partner shows the presence of a moderately more capable cycling partner can significantly boost the motivation - by as much as 100 percent - to stick to an exercise program.
26 May 2012

Stem Cell Research News
Findings May Lead To Strategies To Treat Age-Related Diseases And Improve Regenerative Medicine
Stem cells are essential building blocks for all organisms, from plants to humans. They can divide and renew themselves throughout life, differentiating into the specialized tissues needed during development, as well as cells necessary to repair adult tissue.
26 May 2012

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