Selasa, 26 April 2011

the voice 'NBC mendapat reaksi positif dari pengguna twitter

Kompetisi menyanyi terbaru dari NBC's, dengan bintang Christina Aguilera, Adam Levine, Blake Shelton and Cee Lo Green, pada selasa malam.
inikah kompetisi menyanyi yang sesungguhnya?
rekomendasi dari beberapa senior :
Cee Lo Green: Why I Turned Down Fox's 'X Factor'
Inside 'The Voice's' Assault on ‘American Idol’
How 'The Voice' Plans to Twist the Talent Show Formula. Pada tayang perdana hari selasa kemarin, show ini mendapat reaksi positif dari user twitter.
Mark Burnett selaku produser mempersiapkan 4 juri, diantaranya: Christina Aguilera, Adam Levine, Cee Lo Green and Blake Shelton.
Beberapa kutipan dari pengguna twitter :
"#thevoice is MY NEW FAVE COMPETITION SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are all AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" tweeted Mel Jogia.
Added Nathan Borcherdt: "ohmygosh. I'm loving#TheVoice! Good job @NBC! #fb"
All of the judges also earned praise.
"Watching #TheVoice," wrote Ryan Greenberg. "Pretty impressed so far. Good concept, good talent, and... Christina Aguilera. What more could you want?
Added Heather Peggs: "Damn this show is really good. This stuff makes me cry. @ceelogreen is so sweet. Love#thevoice to see his personality."
Tweeted Abi Maison: "I love watching @blakeshelton on#thevoice, he's so freakin' funny!"
"So far, I am team Adam and team Blake on #thevoice. Iliked Blake better as a singer, but I really loved Adam tonight :)," added Abby S. Salvatore.
While Chuck Taylor wrote that he was "decidedy not watching!" it was hard to find actually criticism from those who did watch.
Some tweeters even wrote that they liked it better than Idol .
"#TheVoice is definitely going to be bigger than American favorite show!" wrote Stephanie Conroy.
Added Melissa Zimmerman: "Watchin #TheVoice ... Goodshowww I like it so far. Better than #AmericanIdol"
Tweeted Kodee Tyler Dahl: "Watched #TheVoice tonight!Gotta love that show! The judges banter is entertaining! Its a better #americanidol!"
"I think #thevoice is gonna end American idol,"

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