Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

5/7 Gothamist

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May 7, 2011 at 12:36 AM
Last Night's Action: Center Fielders Show Power
May 7, 2011 at 12:36 AM
Last Night's Action: Center Fielders Show Power Curtis Granderson loves to back up Ivan Nova. He hit two homers in support of the right-hander to lift the Yankees to a 4-1 victory over the Rangers in Arlington. The center fielder also went deep in Nova's last start, also a win, on Sunday against the Tigers. Nova pitched his best game as a big leaguer, lasting into the eighth and allowing one run on two hits. He also walked one and struck out only one, which probably won't cut it on most nights. But he kept the ball on the ground and helped the Yankees snap a three-game losing streak. [ more › ]

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Extra, Extra: Dead Osama T-Shirt Guy Made $120,000 In A Day
May 6, 2011 at 7:47 PM
Extra, Extra: Dead Osama T-Shirt Guy Made $120,000 In A Day Today's end of day links include cashing in on bin Laden's death, gossip bloggers and fast casual restaurant analogies, Alabama tornado victims reuniting with mementos thanks to Facebook, private school kids get fancy food, natch and more. Follow Gothamist on Twitter and like us on Facebook. You can also get the top stories mailed to you—sign up here. [ more › ]

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Diversity Freaking Out Residents In Dyker Heights
May 6, 2011 at 7:37 PM
Diversity Freaking Out Residents In Dyker Heights There were a few big take-aways from the latest controversial Census data: even though non-white Hispanics are now a minority, they are still pushing other ethnicities to the outer boroughs; and that NYC has become the most ethnically diverse city, reflecting a trend throughout the whole country. So now diversity is here to stay, whether some people like it or not: “Some of the residents here were so concerned about blacks moving in, they didn’t even notice the influx of Asians,” said Nick Venezia, manager of Ben Bay Realty Co. in Brooklyn. [ more › ]

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Anchor Rosanna Scotto Gets Her Own Carnegie Sandwich
May 6, 2011 at 7:25 PM
Anchor Rosanna Scotto Gets Her Own Carnegie Sandwich Joining the likes of Woody Allen, Paul Simon and Carmelo Anthony, FOX5 anchor Rosanna Scotto is getting her own sandwich at the Carnegie Deli to celebrate her 25th anniversary on air. Just make sure you ask them to hold the "soy jizzum!" [ more › ]

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Video: Find Manhattan In This Urban Timelapse
May 6, 2011 at 7:15 PM
Video: Find Manhattan In This Urban Timelapse Timelapses, urban landscapes, dramatic scores! Dominic Boudreault shot Manhattan, Montreal, Quebec City, Toronto, and Chicago from late 2010 to early 2011, and has created a timelapse montage with what he captured. Can you spot all of Manhattan's close-ups? Boudreault says his goal was "to show the duality between city and nature"—and we gotta say the shot at 2:45 really nails it. [ more › ]

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Crawfish Are Boiling All Over The City
May 6, 2011 at 7:05 PM
Crawfish Are Boiling All Over The City Seems our fair city is in the throes of something of a Cajun invasion, what with all these crawfish boils showing up on our social calendar. Today we got wind of not one, but two epic-sounding New Orleans-style feasts in the near future, and we are in the midst of preparing our finest Spandex-waisted ensembles for them. But what in good heavens is a crawfish boil? It's simple, really: take a giant pile of crawfish, some garlic and onions, potatoes, corn, and a hunk of sausage (if you're lucky) and throw 'em all in a pot together til they're boiled up real nice. Then eat it with your hands! (And don't forget to suck the heads of the little crawdaddies, that's where all the juice is.) [ more › ]

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Free Anti-Radiation Pills For Those Near Indian Point
May 6, 2011 at 6:55 PM
Free Anti-Radiation Pills For Those Near Indian Point Since the devastating earthquake in Japan led to a Chernobyl-level nuclear crisis around the Fukushima reactor there, we've been concerned with the safety of our own nearby nuclear and at-risk plant, Indian Point. We weren't that reassured when we looked at the plant's evacuation plans and the fact that Putnum county is now distributing potassium iodide to nearby residents does nothing to make us feel better. [ more › ]

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Weekend Movie Forecast: Thor Vs. The People Vs. George Lucas
May 6, 2011 at 6:45 PM
Click through on the film stills for more details and reviews on this week's new releases and repertory screenings, which include Thor, The People Vs. George Lucas, Last Night, An Invisible Sign, Jumping the Broom, There Be Dragons, Daydream Nation, Caterpillar, Something Borrowed, Under the Boardwalk, Hobo With a Shotgun, The Heart is Deceitful Above All Things, and Blue Steel. [ more › ]

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6,000-Square-Foot Beer Garden Opening By Madison Square Garden
May 6, 2011 at 5:58 PM
6,000-Square-Foot Beer Garden Opening By Madison Square Garden As if we needed any further proof that beer gardens are so hot right now, along comes another one. Local West, the cafe and cocktails joint at One Penn Plaza next to MSG, is adding its own 6,000-square-foot beer garden into the fray early next month. [ more › ]

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CUNY Reconsiders Kushner's Honorary Degree As Trustee Cries Blood Libel
May 6, 2011 at 5:58 PM
CUNY Reconsiders Kushner's Honorary Degree As Trustee Cries Blood Libel Blood libel is back in the news! The furor over the CUNY Board of Trustees decision to table an honorary degree for the playwright Tony Kushner shows no sign of abating. Since trustee Jeffrey S. Wiesenfeld persuaded his peers to side against Kushner earlier this week CUNY has sort-of apologized but Weisenfeld has not backed down. Instead he has gone on a media phone tour in which he has decried Kushner's perceived "blood-libel charge" that Israel has engaged in ethnic-cleansing and told a Times reporter that he didn't know what he was talking about. And now CUNY is considering changing its mind again and giving the degree to Kushner after all! [ more › ]

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Bird Week Continues With Giant Decapitated Eagle Statue
May 6, 2011 at 5:58 PM
Bird Week Continues With Giant Decapitated Eagle Statue Today, The New York Times continues its coverage of Bird Week, a seven-day holiday we never actually knew existed until Tuesday, when Mike Tyson told us all about it. But now that we've been "revisiting the city’s avian history" along with the paper, turns out there's actually some pretty crazy stuff to be found. For example! The tale of the concrete eagle head that rose anew from the remains of the original, not-so-heinous Penn Station many moons ago. [ more › ]

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Michael Moore: Bin Laden Execution Shows We've Lost Our Soul
May 6, 2011 at 5:58 PM
Michael Moore: Bin Laden Execution Shows We've Lost Our Soul Michael Moore was on Piers Morgan's show last night to say, "We've lost something of our soul here in this country" by "executing" Osama bin Laden without a trial. Moore is disappointed that the unarmed bin Laden was not taken alive, because he still believes in due process and crap like the Magna Carta. Moore contends the Al Qaeda leader was intentionally executed, and he thinks the right to a trial is "something that separates us from other parts, other countries where we say everybody has their day in court no matter how bad of a person, no matter what piece of scum they are, they have a right to a trial...after World War II, we just didn't go in and put a bullet to the head of all the top Nazis. We put them on trial." Whatever, hippie! [ more › ]

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May 6, 2011 at 5:51 PM
The Guggenheim Sets Up Comfort Lab In Vacant Lot
May 6, 2011 at 5:51 PM
In January it was announced that the Guggenheim would bring a pop-up piazza, of sorts, to the East Village. The temporary structure would act as a community center, a think tank, and whatever residents wanted it to be (public restrooms?); you can learn more in the video below. Well, today there was a little press preview for the project, which will launch in August, where they delivered more renderings, and more details. [ more › ]

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Washington Square Baby Hawks Start Their Possibly Short, Miserable Lives
May 6, 2011 at 5:42 PM
Washington Square Baby Hawks Start Their Possibly Short, Miserable Lives So: sometime in late March (around March 24), some folks noticed that a red-tailed hawk had been tending three eggs, white with brown speckles, in a nest on the 12th-floor ledge outside the office of the president of NYU by Washington Square Park. So naturally, the Times went and set up a webcam of the action. Violet and her partner Bobby took turns watching over the eggs, which would take 32-36 days to hatch—suffice it to say, City Room was enthralled with the saga. On Tuesday, they wrote that it was too late for the little critters: "barring some kind of record-setting miracle, there will be no fuzzy ones in the nest this year." But they were wrong! [ more › ]

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Farmer's Market And CSA Start At Andaz Wall Street
May 6, 2011 at 5:30 PM
Farmer's Market And CSA Start At Andaz Wall Street The Andaz Wall Street hotel, which houses the excellent restaurant Wall & Water, as well as a fastidious cocktail lounge, is bringing back its outdoor farmer's market tomorrow. Operating every Saturday through November from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., the market will feature items from local Hudson Valley farms, including fruits and vegetables from Migliorelli Farm, poultry and game from Quattro’s, jams and chutneys from Beth’s Farm Kitchen, cheese and other dairy products from Farm Catskills, and artisanal soaps and breads. And on top of all that, the Andaz is going to be the first hotel in New York City to sponsor a community supported agriculture farm (CSA), through a partnership with Down Home Acres in Ohio. [ more › ]

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Is Don Hill's Saved Or Doomed To Become The Next CBGBs?
May 6, 2011 at 5:15 PM
Is Don Hill's Saved Or Doomed To Become The Next CBGBs? Is this rollercoaster ride going to end the same way CBGBs did? At the end of March nightlife mainstay Don Hill died, leaving behind his club, Don Hill's, on Spring and Greenwich streets. Though Paul Sevigny and Nur Khan fully took over operations, the real estate vultures seemed to be circling the one-story building sitting on a prime plot of land in Manhattan. By the end of April it was announced that Don Hill's would close, and a developer would take over the SoHo spot. But now according to the Villager, Don Hill's isn't going anywhere... yet! [ more › ]

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Justin Bieber Inspired 9/11 Victims' Daughters To Write Obama
May 6, 2011 at 5:02 PM
Justin Bieber Inspired 9/11 Victims' Daughters To Write Obama President Obama's solemn visit to Ground Zero and meeting with first responders and 9/11 victims' families was marked by a little levity—and the Bieb. Friends Payton Wall and Madison Roberston, both 14 year-olds whose fathers died in the September 11, 2001 attacks, had written letters to the White House and, on Monday, Payton's letter— about "the entire day [of Sept. 11, 2001] and how I pictured it happening, and what it's like to have to live without a father"—happened to be in the batch of 10 random letters the White House staff gave Obama. The teens and Payton's mother and sister were invited to meet the President yesterday. [ more › ]

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Thanks to This Week's Advertisers
May 6, 2011 at 5:00 PM
We would like to take a moment to thank this week's advertisers on Gothamist.
  • Patron Social Club. Sign up for the Patrón Secret Dining Society by May 12 for a chance at an exclusive dining experience.
  • Dave Matthews Band Caravan, coming to Governors Island August 26-28. Tickets are available now!
  • Museum of the City of New York, with over 60,000 historic photos online available as prints for your home or as gifts.
  • Yael Naim, at Poisson Rouge May 9, on a release tour for her new album, She Was a Boy.
  • Equinox. Sign up for a free 3-day trial membership and enjoy an unparalleled member experience.Advertisement
  • Notify NYC, the official source for info about emergency events and important City services. Sign up now!
  • The New School, offering classes on campus or online so you can earn a fully accredited degree that fits your needs.
  • American Apparel, with 25 stores in NYC, you can look your best at anytime.
  • BuyWithMe, save up to 90% on the best places in NYC!
If you're interested in advertising on Gothamist or any other site in our network, check out our online mediakit.We would like to take a moment to thank this week's advertisers on Gothamist. [ more › ]

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Bill And Chelsea Clinton Gaga For Gay Marriage Equality
May 6, 2011 at 4:53 PM
Bill And Chelsea Clinton Gaga For Gay Marriage Equality This year, we've already had our historic first gay cat marriage in NYC. And if Bill and Chelsea Clinton have any say on the matter, we'll be getting gay human marriage equality very soon as well! The two Clintons both came out strongly in favor of gay marriage yesterday: “For more than a century, our Statue of Liberty has welcomed all kinds of people from all over the world yearning to be free. In the 21st century, I believe New York’s welcome must include marriage equality,” Bill Clinton said in a statement released by the Human Rights Campaign. [ more › ]

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Market Fresh: Cooking With Overwintered Spinach
May 6, 2011 at 4:42 PM
Market Fresh: Cooking With Overwintered Spinach Welcome back to our semi-weekly column, Market Fresh, in which we take a look at one ingredient that's showing up in the city's Greenmarkets right now and tell you what to do with it. Last time, we discussed the merits and virtues of asparagus, and today, we're looking at another green monster, spinach. [ more › ]

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"Rape Cop" Partner: Accuser Was "Flirty" And Conscious
May 6, 2011 at 3:46 PM
"Rape Cop" Partner: Accuser Was "Flirty" And Conscious The NYPD officer accused of acting as a lookout while his partner raped a drunk woman in her East Village apartment in 2008 took the stand today. Under questioning from defense attorneys, Officer Franklin Mata—who is not accused of raping the unidentified woman but faces the same sexual assault rap for allegedly cooperating—the defense strategy became increasingly clear: persuade the jury that the accuser was not so drunk she couldn't have said no, and imply that she may have even led on Officer Kenneth Moreno—though they still maintain nothing happened. [ more › ]

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War Animals On Parade!
May 6, 2011 at 3:46 PM
Like much of the nation, we've spent the past few days in this post-Osama world obsessing over the war dog who helped kill bin Laden and its fellow military canines. But should dogs really be the only animals us humans enlist in our battles? OK, so the army still has some horses and mules, but still! Inspired by Slate's gallery of war cats we've done a little research and come up with five animals right here in New York City we think should be drafted. [ more › ]

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Of Course: Mets' Potential New Owner Is Being Investigated By Feds
May 6, 2011 at 3:46 PM
Of Course: Mets' Potential New Owner Is Being Investigated By Feds The Post reported this morning that billionaire hedge funder Steven Cohen is the frontrunner to buy the Mets; it seems like the team leaked the info out purposefully to gauge reaction to his status as the "preferred bidder." But seeing as how this is the Mets, you know nothing can go right...because the Wall Street Journal reports that Cohen is also being investigated by federal prosecutors for possible insider trading. The Mets truly are the Rodney Dangerfields of professional sports. [ more › ]

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Metallica Promises "Enter Sandman" Live At Yankee Stadium
May 6, 2011 at 3:46 PM
Metallica Promises "Enter Sandman" Live At Yankee Stadium For over a decade Yankees closing pitcher Mariano Rivera has walked to the mound with the sound of Metallica's "Enter Sandman" echoing throughout the stadium, and now Metallica will be performing it there live. [ more › ]

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Tyler Clementi Case: Molly Wei Accepted Into Pre-Trial Intervention Program
May 6, 2011 at 3:41 PM
Tyler Clementi Case: Molly Wei Accepted Into Pre-Trial Intervention Program Molly Wei, one of the former Rutgers University first year students accused of invasion of privacy for watching Tyler Clementi's same-sex encounter online that later led to Clementi killing himself, was accepted into a pre-trial intervention program that might eventually lead all charges against being dismissed. However, the Star-Ledger points out, "One of the conditions of the agreement, however, will require Wei to testify against her co-defendant," Dharun Ravi, who was Clementi's roommate. [ more › ]

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May 6, 2011 at 3:41 PM
Luke's Lobster Hits The Road With "Nauti" Truck
May 6, 2011 at 3:29 PM
Luke's Lobster Hits The Road With "Nauti" Truck Crustacean-slinging mini-empire Luke's Lobster, which Gothamist once declared the purveyors of "arguably the greatest lobster roll in this fair city," is going mobile this summer with an ever-popular food truck to call their own. They're kicking things off this Sunday at the Hell's Kitchen Flea Market Gourmet Food Truck Bazaar (try saying that ten times fast), with more sandwiches to come. [ more › ]

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Jury Deadlocks In Road Rage Cop Trial, Judge Orders Retrial
May 6, 2011 at 3:17 PM
Jury Deadlocks In Road Rage Cop Trial, Judge Orders Retrial Although a jury found two NYPD officers accused of macing, pistol-whipping and baton-beating a Bronx man during a road rage incident in 2008 guilty of official misconduct, they've been unable to reach a verdict on the far more serious charges of gang assault. Officers Michelle Anglin, 40, and Kollen Robinson, 27, who allegedly beat spoken word poet Marlon Smith so severely that he had to get 25 staples to hold together the three gashes in his skull, were found guilty of trying to cover up the incident, the jury couldn't agree on the incident itself. And so Judge Nicholas Lacovetta has ordered a retrial, the Daily News reports. [ more › ]

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Cannabis Peace March Lights Up Downtown This Saturday
May 6, 2011 at 3:14 PM
Cannabis Peace March Lights Up Downtown This Saturday NYC may be the marijuana arrest capital of the world, and the NYPD's aggressive stop and frisk strategy which has yielded those high numbers of arrests for low-level possession may very well be a form of institutionalized racism. But if you're someone for whom those terrifying statistics don't matter, you can get your chance to rally for marijuana rights tomorrow at Washington Square Park with the Cannabis Peace March. [ more › ]

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Osama bin Laden Files Reveal Al Qaeda May Be Planning 9/11 Anniversary Attack
May 6, 2011 at 3:02 PM
Osama bin Laden Files Reveal Al Qaeda May Be Planning 9/11 Anniversary Attack Among the juiciest details released after the successful US operation to kill Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden last weekend was the mention that the military took hard drives from the compound—"10 hard drives, 5 computers and more than 100 storage devices which includes discs, DVDs and thumb drives." Investigators have been poring through those files, and have now revealed that Al Qaeda had been considering attacking the US rail system on the 10th anniversary of 9/11. [ more › ]

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The Oak Room Is Closing, Rowdy Brunching D-Bags Blamed
May 6, 2011 at 2:52 PM
The Oak Room Is Closing, Rowdy Brunching D-Bags Blamed Less than three years after reopening, the storied Oak Room at the Plaza Hotel is closing, and, as in all things, brunch is the cause of the problem. Lease negotiations have broken down between the hotel and the Gindi brothers, who operate The Oak Bar and The Oak Room, where the lucrative and obnoxious "Day and Night" brunch parties have reportedly annoyed the Plaza's long-term tenants (and anyone else who has seen photos depicting the appalling behavior at these parties). [ more › ]

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Macca To Marry MTA Board Member Girlfriend
May 6, 2011 at 2:40 PM
Macca To Marry MTA Board Member Girlfriend We've seen this coming since 2009, but it's official: Paul McCartney and Nancy Shevell will marry. The couple—spotted at the Met earlier this week—have been together for four years, and just got engaged. The 51-year-old Shevell's term on the MTA Board will end in June, and we're guessing she won't return. [ more › ]

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Your Guide To This Summer's Outdoor Concerts: Flee Your A.C.
May 6, 2011 at 2:28 PM
You've burned your peacoat, your sunglass tan is coming in nicely and the snow that wouldn't die is a distant memory. Replace the clatter of your air conditioner with the sound of notes blowing through blades of grass at one of the many outdoor concerts that are cropping up all over town. We've compiled the best of the season, from the all-out, flip-flop destroying extravaganzas to the more intimate evenings under the moon. [ more › ]

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Early Addition: Buy Kevin McAllister's House For $2.4 Million
May 6, 2011 at 2:23 PM
Early Addition: Buy Kevin McAllister's House For $2.4 Million Today's mid-day links: Live where Kevin McAllister "lived"; the video game and body fat connection; last night's Republican debate; and more. Follow Gothamist on Twitter and like us on Facebook. You can also get the top stories mailed to you—sign up here. [ more › ]

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Bruce Willis Out, Dell'Anima Team In On East First Street?
May 6, 2011 at 1:34 PM
Bruce Willis Out, Dell'Anima Team In On East First Street? The people who protested the yuppie scum at the Bowery Wine Co., the East First Street wine bar that boasted celebrity investor Bruce Willis, when it opened in 2008 may have won in the long run. Eagle-eyed EV Grieve noticed that on this month's CB3 SLA agenda there is an item listed for the space where the wine bar currently lives (it ain't dead yet!). And who appears to be looking to move in? No less than the team behind West Village Italian foodie-magnets Dell'Anima and l'Artusi. [ more › ]

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May 6, 2011 at 1:34 PM
Reporters Brawl At City Hall, Schools Chancellor Breaks It Up
May 6, 2011 at 1:34 PM
Reporters Brawl At City Hall, Schools Chancellor Breaks It Up We knew that Mayor Bloomberg's city budget was going to be painful, but we didn't realize it would lead to a fight between reporters at City Hall. Witnesses tell the Daily News that two reporters, WABC 7's Dave Evans and blogger Rafael Martinez Alequin, got into a heated exchange while listening to Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott, with Evans saying, "Don’t touch me. Don’t touch me like that again, or I’ll flatten you," and Alequin replying, "f---ing f-----t." Uh-oh. [ more › ]

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Cloudy Mother's Day Weekend Expected
May 6, 2011 at 1:34 PM
Cloudy Mother's Day Weekend Expected Mostly sunny skies are expected today as high pressure takes a brief pause over the Mid-Atlantic region. It's dry as a bone out there, with the dew point currently running about thirty degrees under the air temperature. Combine that dry air with a brisk west wind and there's an elevated threat for fire spread according to the National Weather Service. Today's high will be in the lower 70s. [ more › ]

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Tommy Hilfiger Hotels To Start With The MetLife Clock Tower
May 6, 2011 at 1:34 PM
Tommy Hilfiger Hotels To Start With The MetLife Clock Tower Tommy Hilfiger no longer owns his eponymous clothing brand—though he still is the principal designer—so now he's spreading out into non-clothing directions. First up? A hotel in the MetLife Clock Tower off Madison Square. Hilfiger and his partners are thisclose to buying the building at the foot of Madison Avenue—at 700" feet it was the tallest building in the world from 1909-1913—for $170 million dollars. [ more › ]

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Fly-Infested Abandoned Popeyes Reeks For Blocks
May 6, 2011 at 1:26 PM
Fly-Infested Abandoned Popeyes Reeks For Blocks Love that chicken? Maybe not so much. An East New York Popeyes that's been out of business for several weeks is filled with thousands of flies (dead and live), and the garbage they so love is spewing out around the restaurant itself, according to the Daily News. And, surprise surprise, no one wants to clean it up! [ more › ]

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Man Stabbed Outside Midtown McDonald's
May 6, 2011 at 1:14 PM
Man Stabbed Outside Midtown McDonald's Earlier this morning, a man was stabbed outside a McDonald's on 8th Avenue, between 34th and 35th Streets, in midtown Manhattan. The sidewalk is still roped off as the police investigate the incident. [ more › ]

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Video: Tina Fey & Amy Poehler Stop By Jimmy Fallon's Jersey Floor
May 6, 2011 at 1:02 PM
Video: Tina Fey & Amy Poehler Stop By Jimmy Fallon's Jersey Floor Last night, our favorite funny-lady duo, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, stopped by their old buddy Jimmy Fallon's mythical lair of fake tans and bouffants, hidden deep within the confines of 30 Rock: The Jersey Floor. Fallon's recurring sketch has always been amusing, featuring a Shake Weight-wielding "DJ Josh" and a primped-out Rachel "Drootchie," but last night's Fey/Poehler cameos, in which the two ladies hit da club and harangue the guidos for babies and a relationship, pushed things to a whole new level of awesomeness. Behold: [ more › ]

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Man Injured After Explosion Levels Long Island Home
May 6, 2011 at 12:53 PM
Man Injured After Explosion Levels Long Island Home Yesterday afternoon, an explosion ripped apart a home in Syosset, injuring a 48-year-old guidance counselor. According to Newsday, owner Brian Welsh was "found dazed, badly hurt and speaking incoherently on the front lawn." Fire officials said the roof and floor collapsed and the walls caved in; it's believed the explosion may have been caused by a gas leak. [ more › ]

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Billionaire Probed For Alleged Discrimination Against Filipino Maid
May 6, 2011 at 12:40 PM
Billionaire Probed For Alleged Discrimination Against Filipino Maid A Filipino housekeeper who applied to work in the Upper East Side home of billionaire industrialist Leonard Blavatnik was allegedly turned down for the job because of her nationality. After spending a trial day working in the house cleaning the fireplace and vacuuming the floors, the woman, 55-year-old Esther Winkley, never heard back about the position. After a few weeks the headhunter who set her up with the job inquired with the Blavatnik's bulter, the magnificently named Wilfredo Balmaceda, who tersely replied, "No Philippines, thanks," in an email obtained by the Daily News. [ more › ]

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Don't Call It A Comeback?: Let's Discuss Mel Gibson's Beaver
May 6, 2011 at 12:26 PM
Don't Call It A Comeback?: Let's Discuss Mel Gibson's <em> Beaver</em>
  • "If you can distract yourself from the distraction that is Mel Gibson’s disastrous personal life, The Beaver is an effectively disturbing portrait of a man trying to cope with serious mental problems ... Ultimately the comedy and gravity are too much at odds: Comedy compromises the solemnity and solemnity compromises the comedy." — amNewYork [ more › ]

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    Even Al Qaeda Acknowledges Osama bin Laden Is Dead
    May 6, 2011 at 11:23 AM
    Even Al Qaeda Acknowledges Osama bin Laden Is Dead Five days after President Obama announced that US forces in Pakistan had successfully located and killed Osama bin Laden, Al Qaeda confirmed the death of their leader this morning. They posted a statement on jihadist forums today, which was translated by US monitoring group SITE Intelligence, vowing to avenge his death: "We call upon our Muslim people in Pakistan, on whose land Sheikh Osama was killed, to rise up and revolt to cleanse this shame that has been attached to them by a clique of traitors and thieves who sold everything to the enemies...a curse that chases the Americans and their agents, and goes after them inside and outside their countries." [ more › ]

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    Convicted Co-op City Killer Tries To Escape During Sentencing
    May 6, 2011 at 11:23 AM
    Convicted Co-op City Killer Tries To Escape During Sentencing After a judge sentenced him to 90 years to life in prison, the man convicting of killing a former boss Co-op City leaped from his chair. Paulino Valenzuela was also screaming, "Please let me go!" but five to seven court officers jumped on top of him. [ more › ]

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    Finally, Drink Recipes For Your "Osama Is Dead" Party
    May 6, 2011 at 11:23 AM
    Finally, Drink Recipes For Your "Osama Is Dead" Party Since Sunday night, for better or worse, Americans in general and New Yorkers in particular have been keeping busy marking the death of Osama bin Laden with spontaneous celebrations. And just as the excitement was starting to die down, yesterdays visit by President Obama brought it all back. So of course today the Post has a story with drink recipes to help you "juice up any 'Osama is dead' party." Wait, what? [ more › ]

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