Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

Cloud computing: A threat or opportunity?

Can the iPad and iPhone rescue the cloud? | The hard truth of metered license pricing in the cloud

InfoWorld Cloud Computing Report

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Cloud computing: A threat or opportunity?
The promise of the cloud -- and its greatest obstacle -- is that cloud computing customers will inevitably spend less on IT personnel. Read More


Simplifying Network Complexity
Evaluate the benefits and return on investment of a Converged Business Network and consider the benefits and savings of bundling their voice, Internet and VPN services into a converged business network versus contracting with an individual provider for each telecommunications need. Learn More Today!


Maintaining Continuous Compliance
When trying to achieve continuous compliance with internal policies and external regulations, organizations need to replace traditional processes with a new best practice approach and new innovative technology, such as that provided by IBM Tivoli Endpoint Manager. Read now

Can the iPad and iPhone rescue the cloud?
The entire cloud market pulls in about 1 or 2 percent of what mobile does. Maybe the cloud needs to be rescued, and perhaps mobile à la iPad, iPhone, and Android is the technology to do it. Read More

The hard truth of metered license pricing in the cloud
Flexible, pay-as-you-go pricing has long been a key selling point for cloud services. But as more established software vendors bring their apps to the cloud, that flexibility will come at a price. Read More

Cloud storage could be the first real cloud failure
A mere 10 percent of large corporations are considering the public cloud as a place to store even their data. Will customers ever embrace the cloud for data storage? Read More

Is the cloud killing Apple?
While Apple's mobile devices have driven the growth of clouds, the company stands to gain much less from that surge, given how it is positioned within the market. Read More

Learn Best Practices for Achieving Pervasive Performance Management

This paper describes how companies can move toward pervasive performance management to drive greater competitive advantage and bottom-line results.
Download now.>>


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