Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Cloud storage could be the first real cloud failure

Investor calls for Ballmer's head -- but who will replace him? | Mobile, cloud, and the evolution of application development

Today's InfoWorld Blogs

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Why cloud storage could be the first real cloud failure
According to a survey market research firm TheInfoPro, a mere 10 percent of large corporations are considering the public cloud as a place to store even their data -- even the lowest-tier info -- for archive purposes. I wasn't surprised to hear of these results. Read More


How to Put Data Storage on a Diet
Data storage needs continue to grow unabated, straining backup and disaster recovery systems while requiring more online spindles, using more power, and generating more heat. That leaves IT professionals to search for technology solutions that can at least lighten the load. Learn more.

WEBCAST: CA Technologies

Tips for Safer P2V Migration
Join this webcast, Tuesday, June 7, 2011, 1:00 PM EDT, to learn the best practices for post implementation of virtualized servers in your environment. Discover what challenges to look out for and how to prepare to avoid pitfalls ensuring total protection for your systems, applications and data. Learn More

Investor calls for Ballmer's head -- but who will replace him?
Investment heavy hitter David Einhorn says it's time for Steve Ballmer to step aside. But does Microsoft have anyone waiting in the wings to succeed him? Read More

Mobile, cloud, and the evolution of application development
The next generation of information services will treat desktop browsers and mobile app clients as equal citizens, and the same application logic will serve content to both. Read More

Cisco advances on HP with blades spinning
Cisco now holds the third-largest share of the blade server market in terms of factory revenue -- not too bad a showing, considering its relatively late arrival to the party in 2009 compared to market leader HP. Read More

Patent trolls' next target: Independent developers
The attack on a group of Apple developers shows how badly our patent system is broken and how vulnerable the mobile ecosystem has become. Read More

Learn Best Practices for Achieving Pervasive Performance Management

This paper describes how companies can move toward pervasive performance management to drive greater competitive advantage and bottom-line results.
Download now.>>

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