Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

ScienceDaily: Top Technology News

ScienceDaily: Top Technology News

Engineers patch a heart: Tissue-engineering platform enables heart tissue to repair itself

Posted: 06 May 2011 02:19 PM PDT

Engineering researchers have established a new method to patch a damaged heart using a tissue-engineering platform that enables heart tissue to repair itself. The breakthrough is an important step forward in combating cardiovascular disease, one of the most serious health problems of our day.

'Swiss cheese' design enables thin film silicon solar cells with potential for higher efficiencies

Posted: 06 May 2011 01:53 PM PDT

A bold new design for thin film solar cells that requires significantly less silicon -- and may boost their efficiency -- is the result of a new industry/academia collaboration.

New mineral discovered: One of earliest minerals formed in solar system

Posted: 06 May 2011 01:53 PM PDT

A team of scientists has discovered a new mineral -- krotite, one of the earliest minerals formed in our solar system. It is the main component of an unusual inclusion embedded in a meteorite (NWA 1934), found in northwest Africa. These objects, known as refractory inclusions, are thought to be the first planetary materials formed in our solar system, dating back to before the formation of Earth and the other planets.

Pentagonal tiles pave the way towards organic electronics

Posted: 06 May 2011 07:11 AM PDT

New research paves way for the nanoscale self-assembly of organic building blocks, a promising new route towards the next generation of ultra-small electronic devices.

Mars Express sees deep fractures on Mars

Posted: 06 May 2011 07:09 AM PDT

Newly released images from the European Space Agency's Mars Express show Nili Fossae, a system of deep fractures around the giant Isidis impact basin. Some of these incisions into the martian crust are up to 500 m deep and probably formed at the same time as the basin.

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