Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

Tiny storage devices that hold huge amounts of data

Admin tip: Leave well enough alone, dummy | The fat lady has sung: The end of BlackBerry

The Week in InfoWorld

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Tiny storage devices that hold huge amounts of data
Take a look at these drives and cards on the cutting edge of storage. They pack enormous amounts of data into what seem to be impossibly minute spaces. Watch out though. Those tiny devices can command a large outlay of cash. Read More


One-day learning for executive IT pros.
Come to IT Roadmap in Boston on June 7 to explore new IT trends, technologies and strategies from leading analysts and peer experts. One-day event features workshops, tutorials, strategy sessions, keynotes and an interactive exhibit floor for in-depth technology learning designed for IT executives. FREE event.


The State of Unified Communications
Your company is most likely using many forms of communication to get business done. But, if yours is like most small businesses, you're using these services separately, and paying a high cost to do so. IDG Research Services surveyed the InfoWorld audience to uncover the state of unified communications (UC). Read now.

Admin tip: Leave well enough alone, dummy
If you weren't a little OCD, you wouldn't be in IT. But your nagging desire to put everything in its place can wreak havoc. Read More

The fat lady has sung: The end of BlackBerry
It's now crystal-clear there's a deeper problem at RIM: It doesn't view the BlackBerry as a platform but as a collection of one-off products. That is why the BlackBerry is a dead technology. Read More

Microsoft Office 2010 takes on all comers
How well do the alternatives to Microsoft Office shape up? And how practical is it to switch to them when you have an existing array of documents created in Office? We found out. Read More

13 features that make each Web browser unique
For all their similarities, browsers differ in subtle and significant ways. To get a better sense of the evolution of today's browsers, we compiled the following list of promising features unique to one browser. Read More

Top 5 obstacles to wider VDI adoption
Server and storage virtualization are being embraced by companies both large and small -- so what's causing the roadblock for VDI? Read More

The case for public-first cloud computing
The reasons are obvious: You can be up and running in a short amount of time, you pay for only the resources you consume, and you don't have to push yet another server into the data center. Read More

Learn Best Practices for Achieving Pervasive Performance Management

This paper describes how companies can move toward pervasive performance management to drive greater competitive advantage and bottom-line results.
Download now.>>


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