Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

Motorola trying to limit the harm of shoddy Android apps

Hotmail and Yahoo users also victims of targeted attacks | Battle looms over securing virtualized systems

Today's InfoWorld Headlines: First Look

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How Motorola is trying to limit the harm of problematic Android apps
Of all the Motorola Android devices that are returned, 70 percent come back because applications affect performance, Sanjay Jha, CEO of Motorola Mobility, said during a webcast presentation at the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global Technology conference. Because the Android Market is open, shoddy apps find their way into users' hands, draining battery life, slowing the smartphone to a crawl, and otherwise turning off Android buyers. Read More


Technology Breakthrough Reduces Network Resources
With the first and only H.264 High Profile implementation for real-time video from Polycom, organizations can immediately begin saving on bandwidth costs by up to 50%! Read now!


Bullet-Proof Email: Mission Possible
Bullet-Proof Email: Mission Possible Email is the bloodline to your organization and must be defended with the highest level of security. Failure to be proactive can result in catastrophic legal, financial, and reputational consequences to your business. Read more now!

Hotmail and Yahoo users also victims of targeted attacks
Web mail users at Yahoo and Hotmail have been hit with the same kind of targeted attacks that were disclosed earlier this week by Google, according to security software vendor Trend Micro. Read More

Battle looms over securing virtualized systems
There's growing consensus that traditional approaches to network security -- the firewall and intrusion-prevention appliances, the host-based antivirus software -- simply do not work well in virtualized environments for which they were never designed. Read More

Asus Eee PCs ship with Ubuntu Linux
Asustek is preinstalling Canonical's Ubuntu operating system for the first time in some netbooks to target the Linux market, Canonical said Thursday. Dell is the only other major PC vendor to pre-load Ubuntu on its netbooks. Read More

HTC to release SDK for Sense phone interface
HTC plans to release an SDK for Sense, the user interface it features on Android phones. With the software development kit, developers will be able to more deeply integrate their applications into the Sense software, HTC said. The company will also offer APIs (application programming interfaces) and sample code for developers building applications to run on Sense devices with 3-D displays. Read More

Learn Best Practices for Achieving Pervasive Performance Management

This paper describes how companies can move toward pervasive performance management to drive greater competitive advantage and bottom-line results.
Download now.>>

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