Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

A visual preview of Mac OS X Lion

Tablet crash test: iPad 2 vs. BlackBerry PlayBook | The InfoWorld news quiz: June 3, 2011

InfoWorld Daily

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A visual preview of Mac OS X Lion
The latest version of Apple's Mac OS cribs some of the more popular features and functionalities of the iPad. Here's a look at some of the highlights of the forthcoming Mac OS X 10.7. Read More


Distinguish between DR "Must Have" and "Nice to Have"
Read ESG's advice on practical methods to improve business continuity and disaster recovery by leveraging WAN optimization and cloud accelerator technologies. Learn how a modest investment can dramatically reduce or defer network costs and provide a payback in less than one year. Read now!


Is Microsoft Desktop Virtualization for you?
Desktop Virtualization provides a comprehensive suite of solutions that enables companies to give their employees flexibility to work everywhere; simplifying compliance and management through a centralized and unified infrastructure. Learn how IT is empowering users with Desktop Virtualization with this on-demand roundtable. Click to continue

Tablet crash test: iPad 2 vs. BlackBerry PlayBook
It's the moment every tablet owner dreads: dropping the device. See whether the iPad 2 and PlayBook survive drop tests in these videos. Read More

The InfoWorld news quiz: June 3, 2011
Are you truly in the know? Prove it by nailing our quiz. Give yourself 10 points for each correct answer. Now wipe that mustard off your chin and begin. Read More

The cloud won't save you money -- and that's OK
The dirty little secret in the world of cloud computing is that operational cost savings do not provide the value. Rather, the value comes in the operational agility of the cloud-based applications. Read More

What's the future of OpenOffice.org?
Here's a look at the top questions about the office suite's future now that Oracle has given the codebase to Apache. Read More

Learn Best Practices for Achieving Pervasive Performance Management

This paper describes how companies can move toward pervasive performance management to drive greater competitive advantage and bottom-line results.
Download now.>>

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