Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

About Desktop Publishing: How Long Does It Take to Design a Logo?

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From Jacci Howard Bear, your Guide to Desktop Publishing
Part of setting rates for design / desktop publishing work is knowing how long various projects typically take. It may be one of the more difficult parts of setting an hourly rate or a project estimate. Things often take longer than we think they will. But another aspect of time is how fast the client expects a finished product. Is there a limit to how long you should take to do a job or a limit to how quickly you can produce, say, a logo?

How Long Does It Take to Design a Logo?
A few days? A few months? How long is too long? Back in 2009 (Logo Design Don'ts) I referenced an article by Jacob Cass that included this statement:
"Professional logo designers have a strict logo design process that can take weeks or in some cases months to complete a logo."
The inference was that certain logo factories or less-than-scrupulous logo designers might not put enough thought into your logo design. They offered too good to be true deals. In the comments on my blog, Elisabetta generally supported much of Cass' article but took exception to the issue of spending months on a logo design, writing "In my opinion, a professional who takes months to design a logo is not a professional."

What's your take on this? Aside from all other issues that go into logo design, is taking weeks or months to design a logo a bad thing? How long does it take you to design a logo? Is a quick turnaround a valid selling point? Share your thoughts on How Long It Should Take to Design a Logo.

See More About:  logo design  logo design software 


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Jacci Howard Bear
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