Rabu, 31 Agustus 2011

Silver Peak unveils free WAN acceleration product

Iomega releases new 12-bay NAS array |

InfoWorld Technology: Storage

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Silver Peak unveils free WAN acceleration product
Silver Peak's free WAN software, dubbed VX-Xpress, is based on the Virtual Acceleration Open Architecture (VXOA) platform the company announced last month. The VXOA software also powers Silver Peak's NX, VX, and flagship VRX WAN acceleration products. Read More


Resource: iOS White Paper and Deployment Kit
Quickly Develop and Deploy iOS Solutions. With FileMaker Pro, iPad and iPhone solutions can be prototyped and completed in hours or days versus weeks or months. No iOS application programming or design experience is required. Read the white paper and download the kit.

WHITE PAPER: Websense, Inc.

DLP Solutions and Strategies Reviewed
According to the 2011 Verizon Data Breach Report, 96% of data compromises were avoidable and 86% were discovered by someone other than the victim. Preventing data leaks isn't impossible, but it requires vigilance combined with the latest technologies. Read More.

Iomega releases new 12-bay NAS array
The new StorCenter px12-350r Network Storage Array replaces the Iomega StorCenter ix12-300r as Iomega's top-of-the-line rackmount NAS offering. A fully configured new StorCenter array with 36TB of capacity is priced at around $10,500. Read More


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