Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

Intel lost the tablet war -- is the desktop next?

In appreciation: C's Dennis Ritchie and Lisp's John McCarthy | How to revive the feds' lifeless 'cloud first' policy

InfoWorld Daily

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Intel lost the tablet war -- is the desktop next?
The giant's lack of traction betrays its inability to capitalize on the transformation sweeping the computing world. If most of our work can get done on a less powerful mobile platform, there's a real likelihood that Intel will be a much smaller presence in our computing life. Read More

RESOURCE COMPLIMENTS OF: Business Analytics Summit

Driving A High-Performance Organization - 11/17 – BOSTON
This half-day Business Analytics Summit includes a roundtable discussion where you will connect with peers and experience that "aha" moment as you hear about their business analytics experience and gain actionable insights. Network with management peers who are wrestling with your same issues and challenges. Register now. Attend for free.


Watch the Shop Talk Video: Virtualization Networking
InfoWorld contributors Paul Venezia and Matt Prigge explain how to lay a rock-solid networking foundation for server virtualization, drawing on their joint experience deploying virtualization infrastructure across hundreds of sites. View Now!

In appreciation: C's Dennis Ritchie and Lisp's John McCarthy
In many ways, C and Lisp are opposites in terms of design, implementation, and approach. Taken together, however, these languages' influence on modern computing is immeasurable, and their legacy will continue for decades to come. Read More

How to revive the feds' lifeless 'cloud first' policy
To implement the current, toothless cloud policy, the feds need to think differently as to how they do IT going forward -- and that seems to be the largest hurdle. Read More

Free cooling lures Facebook to Arctic's edge
In a move that will further bolster Facebook's green data center credentials, the social networking giant plans to build an enormous new 120MW data center in Luleå, Sweden, just 62 miles south of the Arctic Circle. Read More

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