Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

Six true and tested IT superstitions

Stupid hacker tricks: Exploits gone bad | Beauty and the geek: Windows Phone 'Mango' vs. Android

The Week in InfoWorld

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Six true and tested IT superstitions
People who work in IT have a certain reputation for being logical, rational, and unswayed by the mysterious or supernatural. However, some superstitions and irrational beliefs lurk beneath that Spock-like exterior. Read More

VIDEO: Cisco Systems

Unite Communications Across Multiple Devices
Mobile devices, delivery models, and new applications are redefining our jobs. Find out how your company can unite communications across multiple devices, allowing you to communicate with employees, customers, and partners on any device, anywhere. View this demo to see how unifying your communications transforms your work and productivity. View Demo

WHITE PAPER: Cisco Systems

The Right Unified Communications Solution
The advantages of today's unified communications are numerous, and there are many choices among solutions. A Cisco white paper is available to help you make the right decision. The paper outlines ten differentiators—from mobile device support to social software—that you should consider before deciding on a unified communications upgrade. White Paper

Stupid hacker tricks: Exploits gone bad
Hackers can turn boneheaded pretty quickly and slip up in silly ways, leaving authorities a virtual road map pointing right to their doorsteps. Just ask the suspects in these five cases, all of whom were inducted into InfoWorld's Stupid Hacker Tricks Hall of Shame. Read More

Beauty and the geek: Windows Phone 'Mango' vs. Android
The colorful Windows Phone UI makes iOS look a bit dowdy, and it really shows what a mess the Android Franken-interface is. But alas, the beauty is only skin deep. Read More

Ace this test and get a job interview with Facebook
Ready to take the hardest programming quiz ever? Even if you aren't looking for a new job, Facebook's timed test for potential programmers is a fascinating challenge. Read More

What it takes to change IT
I am not a fan of the strong-arm leadership style. But given the choice between that and IT slipping into irrelevancy, I am forced to choose the former. Read More


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