Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

About Web Design / HTML: November 2011 Recap

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Web Design / HTML

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From Jennifer Kyrnin, your Guide to Web Design / HTML
November is a busy month for many of us. There is preparations for the holidays, gift buying, and just settling in to winter (or summer in the southern hemisphere). As such, it can be easy to miss some of the new articles that I've posted.

Please forward this newsletter, in its entirety, to your colleagues, coworkers and friends, anyone you think would like to learn more about web design, HTML, and web development.

Understanding the HTML5 MARK Element
With the new MARK element you can indicate blocks of text or other content that you want to call out separately from the rest of the web content. Most people who use it, use it for when someone arrives from a search engine to highlight the terms they were searching for. But there are lots of other uses.
See More About:  mark element  html5 tags 

HTML5 Outlines
HTML5 has a built-in outliner to make your pages easier to understand. But you can't take advantage of the outliner if you don't know what elements are used to create the outline.

Ethics and Reviews
I've been writing a lot of reviews this month and last and in the course of this writing I have received some interesting suggestions for my site. I wrote this article to make it clear where I stand on things like paid reviews and other ethically questionable requests I've received. If you don't want to read the whole article, in a nutshell: I won't do it, my ethics are not for sale.
See More About:  html editors  html editor reviews 

November 2011 in Review
There are several other articles I've written this month that you might have missed, as well as past articles that might be of interest. Just because it's the holidays doesn't mean that I stop writing.


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2011's Cutest Winter Boots
Snuggly snow boots are essential for women who live in cold climates, but still want to put their best foot forward. More>

10 Budget Work Essentials
Figuring out how to pay for a fabulous work wardrobe can be a challenge. These 10 mix-and-max essentials are all under $50. More>

This newsletter is written by:
Jennifer Kyrnin
Web Design / HTML Guide
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