Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

LibreOffice 3.5: The best Office killer yet

Mobile Linux: It's not just Android anymore | Suse builds on Linux kernel 3.0 in major SLES upgrade

InfoWorld Technology: Open Source

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LibreOffice 3.5: The best Office killer yet
If you're a current OpenOffice.org or LibreOffice user, you should waste little time in upgrading to this version, which is more stable and user friendly than ever. However, Microsoft Office power users face a more difficult choice. Read More


Why Run Windows Server Apps on AWS?
Top 5 Reasons: 1. No New Hardware, 2. Get Started in Minutes, 3. Use Your .NET Skills in the AWS Cloud, 4. On-Demand Test Environments, and 5. Use your Existing Microsoft Licenses. Learn more with on-demand webinar. Watch now!


Why Run Windows Server Apps on AWS?
Top 5 Reasons: 1. No New Hardware, 2. Get Started in Minutes, 3. Use Your .NET Skills in the AWS Cloud, 4. On-Demand Test Environments, and 5. Use your Existing Microsoft Licenses. Learn more with on-demand webinar. Watch now!

Mobile Linux: It's not just Android anymore
Mobile Linux's days of being more or less completely dominated by Android are coming to an end. Here are three key examples of this forward progress. Read More

Suse builds on Linux kernel 3.0 in major SLES upgrade
Suse today announced its first major update since Attachmate acquired Novell last year, SLES 11 Service Pack 2. Features packed into SP2 include enhanced file-system support, bolstered virtualization capabilities, a new snapshot feature, and support for Linux containers. Read More

Report: Open source tops proprietary code in quality
The 2011 Coverity Scan Open Source Integrity Report, which was released on Thursday, Coverity found that open source code has fewer defects per thousand lines of code than proprietary software code does. Read More


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