Rabu, 08 Februari 2012

Windows 8 is the new Vista -- and that's a good thing

Internet Explorer dominates browser security as Google faces accusations | OnLive's train wreck: Office on the iPad

InfoWorld Technology: Microsoft

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Windows 8 is the new Vista -- and that's a good thing
As with Vista, Windows 8 can introduce new capabilities that will make Windows both strong and beloved. If Microsoft needs to ship a prettier version later to get that love, fine. Read More


Bringing the Cloud to the Data Center
Do you need a solution that securely delivers read & write access to content shared across offices? If so, then you won't want to miss this video about Nasuni's Data Continuity Services. Nasuni delivers multi-site access to a shared storage repository in the cloud that is locally available at every office or location in your organization. Learn more


Introducing Amazon DynamoDB
Need a fast, scalable database? Try Amazon DynamoDB - the always fast, zero administration, internet-scale database service. Get details

Internet Explorer dominates browser security as Google faces accusations
IE9 proves 96-plus percent effective in blocking malware, while Chrome, Firefox, and Safari all lag. Read More

OnLive's train wreck: Office on the iPad
Sure you get the full Windows 7 desktop and the full Word, PowerPoint, and Excel apps. But a lack of integration means the Windows and iPad environments remain almost completely separate, with usability falling through the cracks. Read More

Internet Explorer takes unexpected jump in market share
Chrome shot itself in the foot, contributing to Microsoft's increased browser numbers, but the other source of growth comes -- surprisingly -- from IE 6. Read More

Microsoft: Keep the Start menu in Windows 8, please!
Microsoft's decision to eliminate the one area where users can easily find and launch legacy programs that they don't use every day? Not exactly a user-friendly one. Read More

Is Windows Phone really under Sinofsky?
Microsoft says it isn't true, but pieces are in place for Windows president Steve Sinofsky to officially take over Windows Phone. Read More


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