Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Windows 8 product guide for business contains surprises

Microsoft's many admin UIs: The more the merrier | Get ready for Windows 8 support headaches

InfoWorld Technology: Microsoft

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Windows 8 product guide for business contains surprises
The Metro UI trumps the old Start menu and reveals ARM devices won't be able to connect to domains. But there are also significantly improved tools for deploying Windows and apps throughout the enterprise. Read More


Why Run Windows Server Apps on AWS?
Top 5 Reasons: 1. No New Hardware, 2. Get Started in Minutes, 3. Use Your .NET Skills in the AWS Cloud, 4. On-Demand Test Environments, and 5. Use your Existing Microsoft Licenses. Learn more with on-demand webinar. Watch now!


Why Run Windows Server Apps on AWS?
Top 5 Reasons: 1. No New Hardware, 2. Get Started in Minutes, 3. Use Your .NET Skills in the AWS Cloud, 4. On-Demand Test Environments, and 5. Use your Existing Microsoft Licenses. Learn more with on-demand webinar. Watch now!

Microsoft's many admin UIs: The more the merrier
Microsoft has three types of UIs for server admins. This means there are multiple options for completing crucial tasks -- giving admins extraordinary power and flexibility. Read More

Get ready for Windows 8 support headaches
For all the hype surrounding Microsoft's upcoming Windows 8 operating system, significant adoption isn't expected to come from anyone but consumers. However, that doesn't mean the enterprise IT department won't have to deal with it. Read More

Windows Live, R.I.P.
Windows Live appears to be on its last legs, with Windows 8 ushering in a new generation of monosyllabic, Metrofied analogs. Here's a scorecard of what's changing. Read More

What Microsoft and Apple are doing to end the PC
Both Windows 8 and OS X Mountain Lion presage the dramatic change now under way in personal computing. Here's what Microsoft, the traditional PC powerhouse, and Apple, the reborn-and-rising power in personal computing, are doing to end the PC as we know it. Read More


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