Rabu, 02 Mei 2012

Google's Wi-Fi spygate troubles have only just begun

Unassuming IT hero saves the day | Code it again, Sam: Microsoft's Casablanca ties C++ to the cloud

Today's InfoWorld Headlines: Wrap Up

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Google's Wi-Fi spygate troubles have only just begun
Google probably thought it was tossing water on that smoldering Wi-Fi spying controversy by releasing the full version of that FCC report a few days ago -- turns out it was gasoline. Now Google is looking at a raging inferno. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Ping Identity

Cloud Single Sign-On: Build or Buy?
With the SaaS market approaching $21.3 billion by 2015 , the demand for SaaS applications is accelerating and SaaS providers continue to face software business challenges. Learn More!

WHITE PAPER: Imation Scalable Storage

7 Simple Truths About Tiering Your Data
Dealing with the explosion of extreme data means more than containing it all. It's about determining what data is most useful to your business and where "speed meets need." Learn how you can use data tiering to transform unstructured data into "content" while keeping protection high and costs low. View Now

Unassuming IT hero saves the day
It isn't often that a tech pro gets recognized for saving the day -- especially when you're just doing your job. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Citrix Systems

The Key to Embracing the Consumerization of IT
Organizations are learning how to leverage desktop virtualization to accommodate the consumerization of IT. In doing so, they are maximizing the productivity of workers who can thrive within the freedom of their own lifestyle while alleviating the IT burden of managing many different device types. Learn More

Code it again, Sam: Microsoft's Casablanca ties C++ to the cloud
Microsoft with its "Casablanca" project is making accommodations for C++ developers who want to take advantage of cloud computing. Read More

Scrambls puts control of social media back in the hands of users
Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites may not be happy if a new service that launched in beta Wednesday takes off. Read More

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