Rabu, 02 Mei 2012

Is GPL licensing in decline?

Apple's Tim Cook wins where Steve Jobs failed: On Java | Jury deliberations begin after Oracle, Google attorneys debate fair use

InfoWorld Technology: Open Source

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Is GPL licensing in decline?
A debate has raged for months about open source licensing trends. It all started with assertions that the GNU General Public License is rapidly falling from favor, replaced largely by the Apache License. Free software advocates couldn't disagree more. What's really going on? Read More


PCI Compliance Deep Dive
Developed and enforced by the credit card industry, the PCI Data Security Standard contains a set of detailed tenets that every company dealing with customer data should adopt. InfoWorld security expert Roger Grimes explains the best approach to PCI compliance – and the consequences of failing to do so properly. Learn More!

WHITE PAPER: Amazon Web Services

Microsoft SharePoint on the AWS Cloud
Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides services & tools for deploying Microsoft® SharePoint® workloads on its cloud infrastructure platform. This white paper discusses general concepts regarding how to use these services and provides detailed technical guidance on how to configure, deploy, and run a SharePoint Server farm on AWS. Deploy SharePoint quickly at lower total cost on AWS Cloud. Learn how

Apple's Tim Cook wins where Steve Jobs failed: On Java
Tim Cook has pulled a startling coup, getting Larry Ellison to start cooking -- if not eating -- his own dog food. Read More

Jury deliberations begin after Oracle, Google attorneys debate fair use
The jury began its deliberations Monday in the copyright phase of Oracle's lawsuit against Google over Android. Attorneys for both sides made their closing arguments Monday morning, and the jury left the courtroom to consider its verdict at about noon West Coast time. Read More

Oracle upgrades standard Java, JavaFX
Oracle is releasing updates to the standard edition of Java and the JavaFX rich client application platform, including the first delivery of the Java Development Kit and JavaFX Software Development Kit for Mac OS X. The latest enhancements for Java garbage collection and the Java Virtual Machine are featured as well. Read More


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