Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

Making money with mobile apps

What enterprise mobile apps can learn from mobile games | The developer/non-developer impedance mismatch


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Making money with mobile apps
Writing cookie-cutter apps with forms-based websites hasn't proven to be a winning strategy for most, but there's still plenty of opportunity for skilled programmers to earn real money with mobile. Read More


Try new versions of Qoppa PDF libraries
"Qoppa Software's spring release of Java PDF libraries and visual components is all about continuing to deliver easy to use, powerful PDF products. Our PDF technology makes it easy for developers to confidently PDF-enable their own applications, while remaining focused on their business logic." says Gerald Holmann, President. Click to continue

What enterprise mobile apps can learn from mobile games
Enterprise mobile apps are shifting from small, narrowly task-oriented programs to larger, more complex ones. To design them well, enterprise developers can learn a lot from a surprising source: mobile games. Read More

The developer/non-developer impedance mismatch
Most software developers have probably heard of and even had experiences with the object-relational impedance mismatch (often addressed with ORM tools), the object-XML impedance mismatch (often addressed with OXM tools), and even the developer-DBA impedance mismatch. Read More

7 dilemmas for developers today
As technology evolves, so too do the dilemmas developers confront. Read More

Use Memcached for Java enterprise performance, Part 2: Database-driven web apps
If you want to use Memcached in a Java enterprise application you'll need to use a Memcached Java client. We'll use spymemcached, a very popular Memcached Java client, for the introductory purposes of this tutorial. Read More

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