Rabu, 02 Mei 2012

MCSE is back -- but can you rely on it?

IT versus the in-flight magazine | Unassuming IT hero saves the day

Today's InfoWorld Blogs

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MCSE is back -- but can you rely on it?
I'm 100 percent in favor of certification exams. But I've also learned there's an obvious disconnect between a person who can pass a test and one who can do the job in the field. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Amazon Web Services

Microsoft SharePoint on the AWS Cloud
Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides services & tools for deploying Microsoft® SharePoint® workloads on its cloud infrastructure platform. This white paper discusses general concepts regarding how to use these services and provides detailed technical guidance on how to configure, deploy, and run a SharePoint Server farm on AWS. Deploy SharePoint quickly at lower total cost on AWS Cloud. Learn how


IT Roadmap Denver: New Sessions
Including: Unified Communications and VOIP, Mobility Strategies, The New Enterprise Network in the Era of the Cloud, Risk Management, Applications Strategy, Reducing IT Cost and Increasing Efficiencies, Analyzing Your Customers for Business Intelligence, and more. So register now and get ready for an all new IT Roadmap in 2012: Click to continue

IT versus the in-flight magazine
If you don't provide technology leadership, consumer-oriented publications are all your C-level execs have to rely on -- especially since business execs are unlikely to read InfoWorld, Network World, or any other deep-tech website or magazine. Read More

Unassuming IT hero saves the day
In this troubleshooting tale, the low man on the IT totem pole shows up seasoned admins when he actually takes the time to RTFM. Read More

VMware drives shift to personal clouds with Project Octopus
Advances in virtualization, cloud computing, and mobile technology have created a perfect storm for a new era in end-user computing, one in which users can revel in their own personal cloud. Read More

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