Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012

Medical News Today News Alert

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Anxiety / Stress News
Finding That Emotion Is Reversed In Left-Handers' Brains Could Lead To New Treatment For Anxiety, Depression
The way we use our hands may determine how emotions are organized in our brains, according to a recent study published in PLoS ONE by psychologists Geoffrey Brookshire and Daniel Casasanto of The New School for Social Research in New York.
05 May 2012

Blood / Hematology News
JAM-A Protein Keeps Blood Clots In Check
Cut your toe, and platelets -- those disc-shaped cells circulating in your blood -- rush to the scene, clumping together to plug the leak.But when an unwanted clot forms in an artery, and an overaccumulation of platelets blocks blood flow, a heart attack or stroke occurs, too often with fatal results.
05 May 2012

Breast Cancer News
Physician Interpretation Time Dramatically Reduced By Automated Breast Ultrasound
Automated breast ultrasound takes an average three minutes of physician time, allowing for quick and more complete breast cancer screening of asymptomatic women with dense breast tissue, a new study shows.
05 May 2012
Why The Immune System Fails To Kill Breast Tumors In Mice
A pioneering approach to imaging breast cancer in mice has revealed new clues about why the human immune system often fails to attack tumors and keep cancer in check. This observation, by scientists at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), may help to reveal new approaches to cancer immunotherapy.
05 May 2012

Cancer / Oncology News
Cancer-Causing Food Additives A Major Concern For Consumers
As with many concerned consumers, a team of University of Oklahoma researchers wondered if the green color sometimes seen in bacon is, in fact, harmful to human health. Recently, these OU scientists took an important first step in answering this question by determining the structure of the green pigment responsible for this 'nitrite burn.
05 May 2012

Cardiovascular / Cardiology News
JAM-A Protein Keeps Blood Clots In Check
Cut your toe, and platelets -- those disc-shaped cells circulating in your blood -- rush to the scene, clumping together to plug the leak.But when an unwanted clot forms in an artery, and an overaccumulation of platelets blocks blood flow, a heart attack or stroke occurs, too often with fatal results.
05 May 2012

Dentistry News
Sports & Energy Drinks Damage Teeth
Sports drinks hit the wire today with a red light that their level of acidity is increasingly responsible for irreversible damage to teeth, especially amongst adolescents and younger adults, their predominant target market.
05 May 2012

Depression News
Finding That Emotion Is Reversed In Left-Handers' Brains Could Lead To New Treatment For Anxiety, Depression
The way we use our hands may determine how emotions are organized in our brains, according to a recent study published in PLoS ONE by psychologists Geoffrey Brookshire and Daniel Casasanto of The New School for Social Research in New York.
05 May 2012

Eye Health / Blindness News
Myopia, Short-sightedness Rates Very High In East Asia
Around 80% to 90% of school-leavers in major East Asian cities like China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and South Korea suffer from myopia or short-sightedness. This represents an enormous burden of disease that will lead to further problems in the future, as 10 to 20% of those affected suffer from 'high' myopia that can ultimately lead to loss of vision, impaired vision, as well as blindness.
05 May 2012

Genetics News
A Small Cut With A Big Impact
Diseases and injuries trigger warning signals in our cells. As a result, genes are expressed and proteins produced, modified or degraded to adapt to the external danger and to protect the organism.
05 May 2012
Brain Damage And Shortened Lifespan Caused By Glycogen Accumulation In Neurons Of Flies And Mice
Collaborative research by groups headed by scientists Joan J. Guinovart and Marco Milan at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) has revealed conclusive evidence about the harmful effects of the accumulation of glucose chains (glycogen) in fly and mouse neurons.
05 May 2012
International Project To Write A Landmark Sequel To 'The Book Of Life'
Scientists are announcing the roadmap, policies and procedures for an ambitious international project that aims to compile a landmark sequel to "The Book of Life." The follow-up to the Human Genome Project, which decoded all of the genes that make up humans, involves identifying and profiling all of the proteins produced by the thousands of genes bundled together in all of the human chromosomes.
05 May 2012

Immune System / Vaccines News
Why The Immune System Fails To Kill Breast Tumors In Mice
A pioneering approach to imaging breast cancer in mice has revealed new clues about why the human immune system often fails to attack tumors and keep cancer in check. This observation, by scientists at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), may help to reveal new approaches to cancer immunotherapy.
05 May 2012
A Small Cut With A Big Impact
Diseases and injuries trigger warning signals in our cells. As a result, genes are expressed and proteins produced, modified or degraded to adapt to the external danger and to protect the organism.
05 May 2012

IT / Internet / E-mail News
Researchers Use Online Crowd-Sourcing To Diagnose Malaria
Online crowd-sourcing - in which a task is presented to the public, who respond, for free, with various solutions and suggestions - has been used to evaluate potential consumer products, develop software algorithms and solve vexing research-and-development challenges.
05 May 2012

MRI / PET / Ultrasound News
Physician Interpretation Time Dramatically Reduced By Automated Breast Ultrasound
Automated breast ultrasound takes an average three minutes of physician time, allowing for quick and more complete breast cancer screening of asymptomatic women with dense breast tissue, a new study shows.
05 May 2012

Neurology / Neuroscience News
Brain Damage And Shortened Lifespan Caused By Glycogen Accumulation In Neurons Of Flies And Mice
Collaborative research by groups headed by scientists Joan J. Guinovart and Marco Milan at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) has revealed conclusive evidence about the harmful effects of the accumulation of glucose chains (glycogen) in fly and mouse neurons.
05 May 2012

Nutrition / Diet News
Sports & Energy Drinks Damage Teeth
Sports drinks hit the wire today with a red light that their level of acidity is increasingly responsible for irreversible damage to teeth, especially amongst adolescents and younger adults, their predominant target market.
05 May 2012
Cancer-Causing Food Additives A Major Concern For Consumers
As with many concerned consumers, a team of University of Oklahoma researchers wondered if the green color sometimes seen in bacon is, in fact, harmful to human health. Recently, these OU scientists took an important first step in answering this question by determining the structure of the green pigment responsible for this 'nitrite burn.
05 May 2012
Black Pepper's Secrets As A Fat Fighter Revealed
A new study provides a long-sought explanation for the beneficial fat-fighting effects of black pepper. The research, published in ACS' Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, pinpoints piperine - the pungent-tasting substance that gives black pepper its characteristic taste, concluding that piperine also can block the formation of new fat cells.
05 May 2012

Obesity / Weight Loss / Fitness News
Black Pepper's Secrets As A Fat Fighter Revealed
A new study provides a long-sought explanation for the beneficial fat-fighting effects of black pepper. The research, published in ACS' Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, pinpoints piperine - the pungent-tasting substance that gives black pepper its characteristic taste, concluding that piperine also can block the formation of new fat cells.
05 May 2012

Psychology / Psychiatry News
Finding That Emotion Is Reversed In Left-Handers' Brains Could Lead To New Treatment For Anxiety, Depression
The way we use our hands may determine how emotions are organized in our brains, according to a recent study published in PLoS ONE by psychologists Geoffrey Brookshire and Daniel Casasanto of The New School for Social Research in New York.
05 May 2012

Sports Medicine / Fitness News
Joggers Live Much Longer
Results from the Copenhagen City Heart study reveals that regular jogging considerably increases life expectancy of men by 6.2 years and women by 5.6 years. In order to gain the optimum benefits for longevity the researchers recommend jogging at a slow or average pace for between one to two and half hours per week.
05 May 2012

Stroke News
JAM-A Protein Keeps Blood Clots In Check
Cut your toe, and platelets -- those disc-shaped cells circulating in your blood -- rush to the scene, clumping together to plug the leak.But when an unwanted clot forms in an artery, and an overaccumulation of platelets blocks blood flow, a heart attack or stroke occurs, too often with fatal results.
05 May 2012

Tropical Diseases News
Researchers Use Online Crowd-Sourcing To Diagnose Malaria
Online crowd-sourcing - in which a task is presented to the public, who respond, for free, with various solutions and suggestions - has been used to evaluate potential consumer products, develop software algorithms and solve vexing research-and-development challenges.
05 May 2012

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