Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012

ScienceDaily: Top Technology News

ScienceDaily: Top Technology News

Math predicts size of clot-forming cells

Posted: 25 May 2012 01:52 PM PDT

Mathematicians have helped biologists figure out why platelets, the cells that form blood clots, are the size and shape that they are. Because platelets are important both for healing wounds and in strokes and other conditions, a better understanding of how they form and behave could have wide implications.

High-speed method to aid search for solar energy storage catalysts

Posted: 25 May 2012 01:52 PM PDT

Scientist have developed a new high-throughput method to identify electrocatalysts for water oxidation.

SpaceX Dragon attached to International Space Station In spaceflight first

Posted: 25 May 2012 10:42 AM PDT

The International Space Station's Expedition 31 crew grappled and attached SpaceX's Dragon capsule to the space station Friday (May 25, 2012). This is the first time a commercial company has accomplished this type of space operation.

Thousands of invisibility cloaks trap a rainbow

Posted: 25 May 2012 07:39 AM PDT

Many people anticipating the creation of an invisibility cloak might be surprised to learn that a group of American researchers has created 25,000 individual cloaks.

Anti-reflective plastics inspired by moths' eyes

Posted: 24 May 2012 10:45 AM PDT

Innovative plastics offer improved performance and wider viewing angles over existing anti-reflective plastics in the market. This plastic uses a nanotechnology method that creates a complex pattern of super tiny structures that mimic the patterns found on a moth's eye, which has a unique method of diffusing light.

Revolutionary chipset for high-speed wireless data transfer

Posted: 24 May 2012 09:29 AM PDT

Scientists have invented a revolutionary chipset for high-speed wireless data transfer, a new microchip that can transfer data the size of 80 MP3 song files (or 250 megabytes) wirelessly between mobile devices, 1000 times faster than Bluetooth.

Unusual quantum effect discovered in earliest stages of photosynthesis

Posted: 24 May 2012 06:29 AM PDT

Quantum physics and plant biology seem like two branches of science that could not be more different, but surprisingly they may in fact be intimately tied. Scientists have discovered an unusual quantum effect in the earliest stages of photosynthesis.

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