Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

Data protection, hidden in plain sight

Microsoft plans critical update to Windows Server | You don't know tech: InfoWorld news quiz

Today's InfoWorld Headlines: Wrap Up

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Data protection, hidden in plain sight
Rather than encrypting sensitive data, a new application hides the data in plain sight, so to speak, by taking advantage of typical file system design. Read More


How to Put Data Storage on a Diet
Data storage needs continue to grow unabated, straining backup and disaster recovery systems while requiring more online spindles, using more power, and generating more heat. That leaves IT professionals to search for technology solutions that can at least lighten the load. Learn more.


Increasing Revenue Through Data Center Management
Non-linear growth creates hindrances in operation that become costly, as well as resource consuming. The best solution to this growing discrepancy between our business's technology dependence and its operational environment is to program infrastructure policy. Read now!

Microsoft plans critical update to Windows Server
Microsoft today said it will patch a critical bug in its Windows server software and two other vulnerabilities in PowerPoint, the presentation maker bundled with Office. The critical update will patch Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2, the three still-supported editions of its server operating system. Read More

You don't know tech: InfoWorld news quiz
There was one big story this week, but it took a few tech twists and turns -- many of them on Twitter. But it wasn't entirely All Osama, All the Time: Can you determine what the other big stories this week were? Take our quiz if you know. Read More


Is Microsoft Desktop Virtualization for you?
Desktop Virtualization provides a comprehensive suite of solutions that enables companies to give their employees flexibility to work everywhere; simplifying compliance and management through a centralized and unified infrastructure. Learn how IT is empowering users with Desktop Virtualization with this on-demand roundtable. Click to continue

Brocade gives a reality check on IPv6
'IPv4 diehards' and 'IPv6 purists' are both wrong: The transition will be long and hard, Director of Product Management Keith Stewart said. Read More

Red Hat CEO takes on patent trolls
Red Hat doesn't need a legal team as big as Microsoft's, but it does spend a lot of time in court. On the verge of becoming the first billion-dollar open source company, Red Hat has attracted quite a bit of attention -- from lawyers waving patents. Read More

Learn Best Practices for Achieving Pervasive Performance Management

This paper describes how companies can move toward pervasive performance management to drive greater competitive advantage and bottom-line results.
Download now.>>

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