Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

Microsoft to show off Windows for tablets next week

JetBrains upgrades continuous integration server | W3C seeks feedback on HTML5

Today's InfoWorld Headlines: First Look

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Microsoft to show off Windows for tablets next week
Microsoft may essentially have been first to the market with the modern tablet computer, but Redmond has seen any advantage there erased by a failure on the software side. Windows just isn't meant for the touchscreen world. No doubt the company is eager to change that, and is said to be set to debut its tablet operating system shortly, sources say. Read More


Network Monitoring Essentials
AireSpring, a SIP trunking provider, processes over 8000 concurrent voice sessions on each cluster of multi-homed switches. After testing every network monitoring product within budget they chose Riverbed Cascade which resulted in: • No dropped packets • Ability to capture and analyze all subpackets and RTPs • Sophisticated data analysis Read now!


Is Microsoft Desktop Virtualization for you?
Desktop Virtualization provides a comprehensive suite of solutions that enables companies to give their employees flexibility to work everywhere; simplifying compliance and management through a centralized and unified infrastructure. Learn how IT is empowering users with Desktop Virtualization with this on-demand roundtable. Click to continue

JetBrains upgrades continuous integration server
JetBrains is shipping an update to its TeamCity continuous integration server for developers and build engineers, offering a restyled UI and removing previous usage limitations. Version 6.5 of TeamCity also supports advanced distributed version control system usage scenarios and supports personal builds on branches for the Git and Mercurial version control systems. With continuous integration, software can be developed quicker, according to JetBrains. Read More

W3C seeks feedback on HTML5
Making a plea for feedback, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is calling for a broad review of HTML5 and five related specifications that constitute the W3C Open Web Platform. Read More

Security researchers claim memory encryption breakthrough
Researchers at North Carolina State University claim they've achieved a breakthrough in how encryption can be used in technology called non-volatile main memory, which is seen as an eventual replacement for conventional dynamic random-access memory. Read More

Google shuts off Chrome access to offline Gmail
Google this week told Chrome users to switch to outdated versions of Microsoft's Internet Explorer or Mozilla's Firefox if they want to access Gmail when they're not connected to the Web. On Tuesday, Gmail dropped offline support for Chrome, Internet Explorer 9 (IE9), Firefox 4, Safari and Opera. Read More

PayPal, eBay sue Google over mobile payments secrets
PayPal and parent eBay have filed a suit against Google and two former executives alleging that they have misappropriated their trade secrets in the area of mobile payments and point-of-sale strategies. The suit filed before the Superior Court of the State of California in the County of Santa Clara also charges two former employees, Osama Bedier and Stephanie Tilenius, who now work with Google, of breaching their obligations to PayPal and eBay. Read More

Learn Best Practices for Achieving Pervasive Performance Management

This paper describes how companies can move toward pervasive performance management to drive greater competitive advantage and bottom-line results.
Download now.>>

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