Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

A visual tour of Windows Phone 7 'Mango'

Can the iPad and iPhone rescue the cloud? | The hard truth of metered license pricing in the cloud

InfoWorld Daily

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A visual tour of Windows Phone 7 'Mango'
Microsoft says there are more than 500 new features coming in "Mango" but we only got a glimpse at what's coming, so here are the top 10 additions in "Mango" to be excited about. Read More


The VMware vSphere 4.0 Edition
The Yin and Yang of Memory Virtualization Click to continue


Key Research: Enterprise LAN
The vendors in the 2010 Magic Quadrant for Enterprise LAN (Global) provide viable, well-supported LAN infrastructures for mainstream enterprise requirements, but are able to provide differentiation through global strategies and functionality. Read more

Can the iPad and iPhone rescue the cloud?
Looking at the numbers, the entire cloud market pulls in about 1 or 2 percent of what mobile does. Maybe the cloud needs to be rescued, and perhaps mobile à la iPad, iPhone, and Android is the technology to do it. Read More

The hard truth of metered license pricing in the cloud
Flexible, pay-as-you-go pricing has long been a key selling point for cloud services. But as more established software vendors bring their apps to the cloud, that flexibility will come at a price. Read More

The InfoWorld news quiz: May 27, 2011
Ashton Kutcher launched his own Twitter client (yes, really), and the InterWebs went a little Gaga. Were you born with the skills to ace our quiz? Reward yourself with 10 points for each correct answer. Now begin. Read More

Google Wallet may be missing key partners
Three national mobile operators, which back a different mobile payments platform, did not come out in support of Google's initiative. Neither did companies like Apple, Microsoft, and Research In Motion that make non-Android phones. Read More

Learn Best Practices for Achieving Pervasive Performance Management

This paper describes how companies can move toward pervasive performance management to drive greater competitive advantage and bottom-line results.
Download now.>>

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