Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

The real Mac security threat isn't malware -- it's Apple

5 ways to stay safe from fake anti-virus malware attack on Macintosh | Apple admits Mac scareware infections

InfoWorld's Security Central

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The real Mac security threat isn't malware -- it's Apple
Apple took more than three weeks to acknowledge the Mac Defender malware and offer a solution. That's three weeks too long. Read More


Securing the Enterprise Wireless LAN
According to the Department of Homeland Security's national vulnerability database, an average of 19 new vulnerabilities are posted to the Internet every day. Download this HP White Paper to learn the best practices to secure your wireless LAN. Read now.

5 ways to stay safe from fake anti-virus malware attack on Macintosh
The scareware targeting Mac OS X users is known as "Mac Defender," with variants called "Mac Protector" and "Mac Security." Here are some tips for dealing with it. Read More

Apple admits Mac scareware infections
After taking heat for not helping users fooled into downloading the MacDefender fake security software, Apple owns up to security problems in Mac OS. Read More

Google patches critical Chrome bugs
The patch fixed four vulnerabilities in the update, including two rated "critical," the category typically reserved for bugs that may let an attacker escape Chrome's "sandbox." Google has patched five critical bugs so far this year. Read More

Cisco-heavy companies vulnerable to breaches
Seventy-three percent of Cisco-dominated global companies had at least one known device security vulnerability that had yet to be patched. Read More

Learn Best Practices for Achieving Pervasive Performance Management

This paper describes how companies can move toward pervasive performance management to drive greater competitive advantage and bottom-line results.
Download now.>>


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