Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

5 questions to ask before buying Microsoft licenses

Skype voice service crashes | Oracle's database now available on Amazon Web Services

InfoWorld Technology: Applications

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5 questions to ask before buying Microsoft licenses
Managing software licenses may be just as difficult as managing the software itself. That's why Forrester Research just came out with a report titled "Consider These Five Criteria When Choosing a Microsoft Volume Licensing Program." Read More


The Cloud's 3 Stages of Evolution
Today's smart CIOs are assessing their workloads against business needs and analyzing where each should run—locally or in the public cloud. Read on to learn about the benefits of cloud computing, and why its success or failure is often dependent on WAN optimization. Read Now.


6 Key Dedupe Challenges
The deduplication market is the fastest segment ofthe storage industry, per IDC. Accordingly, every vendor is telling their version of the deduplication story. With emerging technologies, it is difficult for IT managers to determine what the true IT benefits vs. marketing spin are. Read More Today!

Skype voice service crashes
With some users unable to sign into Skype and make voice calls, the company offered users a multi-step fix to get its service running again. Mac and Linux users will be able to solve the problem in fewer steps than Windows users. Read More

Oracle's database now available on Amazon Web Services
Customers can choose from "license included" and BYOL (bring your own license) pricing. The first model is priced starting at $0.16 per hour, while the latter starts at $0.11 per hour, according to Amazon. Read More

Mozilla delivers Firefox 5 beta
Firefox 5 sports two major changes: support for the CSS (cascading style sheets) animation standard and the inclusion of a "channel switcher" that lets users flip between Firefox's three editions of Aurora, Beta and Release. Read More

Codie awards dominated by familiar names
The Software and Information Industry Association's (SIIA) 2011 award winners for softwarinclude some familiar names, such as Salesforce.com, Red Hat, and Adobe, all of whom have been recognized by SIIA before. Read More

Learn Best Practices for Achieving Pervasive Performance Management

This paper describes how companies can move toward pervasive performance management to drive greater competitive advantage and bottom-line results.
Download now.>>


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