Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

About Linux: Puppy Linux 5.3 Released

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From Juergen Haas, your Guide to Linux
As the name suggests, the Puppy Linux distribution is small in size and easy to handle. But it would be a mistake to assume that this limits its capabilities in any way. Its small form factor actually opens up new possibilities.

Puppy Linux 5.3
Developers have announced version 5.3 of the small-footprint Linux distro Puppy. This version was built with the Woof build tool and is based on the Linux distribution Slackware 13.37 and Linux kernel Read more

3D Graphics Tool Blender 2.60 Released
Blender now supports 3D audio, which allows you to place speaker objects in your 3D Blender scene. There are a number of improvements in the game engine, such as the addition of navigation meshes, which for example allows actors to find a path to a target or an escape route...Read more

How to Pass Arguments to a Bash Script
When writing bash scripts it is sometimes helpful to pass in parameters so that the same script can be used for different tasks. Bash provides various methods that enables a script to capture and use arguments specified when the script is called from the command line.... Read more


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This newsletter is written by:
Juergen Haas
Linux Guide
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