Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

In appreciation: C's Dennis Ritchie and Lisp's John McCarthy

End the holy war over agile development | RIM delays BlackBerry tablet OS to February 2012

InfoWorld's Developer World

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In appreciation: C's Dennis Ritchie and Lisp's John McCarthy
In many ways, C and Lisp are opposites in terms of design, implementation, and approach. Taken together, however, these languages' influence on modern computing is immeasurable, and their legacy will continue for decades to come. Read More


Resource: iOS White Paper and Deployment Kit
Quickly Develop and Deploy iOS Solutions. With FileMaker Pro, iPad and iPhone solutions can be prototyped and completed in hours or days versus weeks or months. No iOS application programming or design experience is required. Read the white paper and download the kit.

WHITE PAPER: Cisco Systems

The Right Unified Communications Solution
The advantages of today's unified communications are numerous, and there are many choices among solutions. A Cisco white paper is available to help you make the right decision. The paper outlines ten differentiators—from mobile device support to social software—that you should consider before deciding on a unified communications upgrade. White Paper

End the holy war over agile development
IT needs to learn to use agile and waterfall techniques based on what the situation demands, not personal preference. Read More

RIM delays BlackBerry tablet OS to February 2012
A week after promising the PlayBook OS 2.0 to developers in October, RIM cites quality issues and says it will drop a key feature. Read More

JetBrains adds IDE for Apple iOS, Mac OS X development
Jet Brains says it now enables developers to deliver Xcode-compliant projects to the Apple App Store without ruffling any feathers thanks to its AppCode IDE for Objective-C application development. Read More


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