Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

Beauty and the geek: Windows Phone 'Mango' vs. Android

Windows Server 8: The 4 best new Active Directory features | Microsoft's Roslyn: Reinventing the compiler as we know it

InfoWorld Technology: Microsoft

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Beauty and the geek: Windows Phone 'Mango' vs. Android
The colorful Windows Phone UI makes iOS look a bit dowdy, and it really shows what a mess the Android Franken-interface is. But alas, the beauty is only skin deep. Read More


WiFi Network for Mobile Devices
Get technical guidance to better support Wi-Fi enabled phones and tablets on the Cisco Unified Wireless Network. Applicable for 802.11n-enabled devices that has a wireless profile that includes single spatial streams, limited 20-MHz channel operations, or selected support of 2.4 or 5 GHz frequencies Read Now

WHITE PAPER: Cisco Systems

The Right Unified Communications Solution
The advantages of today's unified communications are numerous, and there are many choices among solutions. A Cisco white paper is available to help you make the right decision. The paper outlines ten differentiators—from mobile device support to social software—that you should consider before deciding on a unified communications upgrade. White Paper

Windows Server 8: The 4 best new Active Directory features
With each new edition of Windows Server comes changes to Active Directory. Here are four significant alterations you'll find in the forthcoming Windows Server 8. Read More

Microsoft's Roslyn: Reinventing the compiler as we know it
Roslyn is a complete reengineering of Microsoft's .Net compiler toolchain in a new way, such that each phase of the code compilation process is exposed as a service that can be consumed by other applications. Read More

Windows 7 is on a (slow) roll
The economy has done a number on enterprises' Windows 7 deployment plans. If you're behind, take heart -- you're not alone. Read More


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