Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011

Will Apple's 'Slide to Unlock' patent stomp on Android or Windows 8?

Android app developers top iOS developers in productivity | Apple quietly updates MacBook Pro laptop line

InfoWorld Technology: Apple

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Will Apple's 'Slide to Unlock' patent stomp on Android or Windows 8?
It doesn't take a team of patent lawyers to see similarities between Windows 8's swipe-up-to-unlock and touch-to-log-on gestures, and Apple's unlock shtick. But do either infringe on Apple's patent? Read More


WiFi Network for Mobile Devices
Get technical guidance to better support Wi-Fi enabled phones and tablets on the Cisco Unified Wireless Network. Applicable for 802.11n-enabled devices that has a wireless profile that includes single spatial streams, limited 20-MHz channel operations, or selected support of 2.4 or 5 GHz frequencies Read Now


Resource: iOS White Paper and Deployment Kit
Quickly Develop and Deploy iOS Solutions. With FileMaker Pro, iPad and iPhone solutions can be prototyped and completed in hours or days versus weeks or months. No iOS application programming or design experience is required. Read the white paper and download the kit.

Android app developers top iOS developers in productivity
Android Market app developers are a busy group, with the average publisher placing more than six apps in the online store compared to four published by the average iOS developer in the Apple App Store. Read More

Apple quietly updates MacBook Pro laptop line
Apple quietly refreshed its workhorse MacBook Pro line of laptops, boosting the speed of the machines' processors and in some cases the size of their hard disk drives.Prices for the various models -- Apple sells 13-inch, 15-inch, and 17-inch notebooks -- have not changed. Read More

JetBrains adds IDE for Apple iOS, Mac OS X development
Jet Brains says it now enables developers to deliver Xcode-compliant projects to the Apple App Store without ruffling any feathers thanks to its AppCode IDE for Objective-C application development introduced Tuesday. Read More

'Ultrabook' laptops are all hot air
It's too bad Intel is not using the Ultrabook moniker as a licensed, minimum-required-specification brand. That would provide a real incentive for PC makers to do the right thing in terms of meeting the Ultrabook goals. Read More


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