Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

New DoS tool from THC: Another overhyped threat

Why physical security matters, even in the cloud | New Trojan horse uses your Mac to attack websites

InfoWorld's Security Central

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New DoS tool from THC: Another overhyped threat
Yes, a German hacker group known as THC (The Hacker's Choice) has just released THC-SSL-DoS, which can bring down an HTTPS site with a DoS attack using an ordinary laptop -- but only if that site has SSL Renegotation turned on. Read More


Turning virtual sprawl into a good thing
This white paper discusses how HP Discovery and Dependency Mapping Advanced Edition (DDMA) software can be your key to the effective management of your virtual infrastructure, helping to make sure that you can gain the benefits of virtualization without increasing costs and risks. Read now


Choosing the Right Platform for Your Business
Managing and supporting mobile applications, devices and operating systems requires a significant amount of time and resources to understand the challenges – including security, liability and bandwidth. Learn More!

Why physical security matters, even in the cloud
Just as a bank is a central repository for money and thus an attractive target for a robber, so is the data center of a cloud provider a central repository for valuable data resources and thus an attractive target for malicious hackers. Read More

New Trojan horse uses your Mac to attack websites
Like its Linux-based predecessors, Tsunami works by communicating via Internet Relay Chat. When triggered, infected computers can be instructed to attack individual websites, by sending large numbers of simultaneous requests. Read More

Duqu, Stuxnet malware link unclear
Dell SecureWorks says there's little real proof that the newly discovered Duqu Trojan is related to last year's Stuxnet worm. Read More


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