Rabu, 30 November 2011

12 valuable tools for managing business Macs

Android, iPhone still top U.S. smartphones, Nielsen says | Apple yanks iPhone tethering app from App Store

InfoWorld Technology: Apple

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12 valuable tools for managing business Macs
We have gathered 12 tried-and-true Mac management tools for IT organizations looking to maintain Macs in a business environment. Which ones are best for your organization will depend on your needs and existing infrastructure. Read More


Quickly Deliver Business Data to iPads and iPhones
Challenged by the explosion of iPad and iPhone users expecting access to corporate data? FileMaker, a subsidiary of Apple, offers a middleware bridge that helps developers quickly provide on-demand access to corporate data in formatted reports and charts while giving IT the control it needs to manage and secure mobile data delivery. Read now!

WHITE PAPER: Lumension

Control your application environment
When handled intelligently, whitelisting is a tremendous asset to any business looking for a cost-effective means of bolstering its security. Here are the features you need to look for in whitelisting software and the steps you must take for successful deployment. Learn More!

Android, iPhone still top U.S. smartphones, Nielsen says
Android again was the dominant mobile operating system among U.S. mobile subscribers in the third quarter, while Apple was still the largest smartphone maker, Nielsen reported. Read More

Apple yanks iPhone tethering app from App Store
Now you see it, now you don't. Apple squashes another carrier-sidestepping tethering app. Read More

WatchGuard launches iOS-friendly security appliance
WatchGuard's latest security appliance, the XTM 330, allows business travelers from small enterprises to use their iPads or iPhones to communicate securely with the office. The XTM family combines firewall, VPN, and security services to protect networks. Read More


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