Rabu, 30 November 2011

Is Microsoft spin masking slow sales for Office 365?

Which is best: Exchange 2010 archiving vs. third-party tools | The trick to setting up custom auto-attendants in Exchange

InfoWorld Technology: Microsoft

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Is Microsoft spin masking slow sales for Office 365?
Microsoft hasn't spilled the beans about Office 365 sales, but the little information we do have makes it sound as if the cloud suite isn't doing well at all. Read More


Stop the High Costs of Non-Production Databases
Learn why Brian Babineau, Vice President of Research and Analyst Services at ESG, recommends the expansion of virtualization initiatives into the data tier to reduce operating expenses, improve asset utilization, cut capital costs and enable IT agility. Read now!


Support for Virtualized Environments
In this white paper, IDC examines the importance of understanding the support requirements for a highly virtualized environment, evaluating how HP's Critical Advantage support service helps enterprises ensure their critical workloads continue to be supported at appropriate levels. Learn more

Which is best: Exchange 2010 archiving vs. third-party tools
Most companies will find that the built-in features provide everything they need when used together -- at the price of more work for IT and a greater cost for storage. If you don't want to archive on-premise, consider a third party tool. Read More

The trick to setting up custom auto-attendants in Exchange
It may be fun to set up auto-attendants, but there are several issues on the recording side that you should know to avoid frustration. Read More

Microsoft: Hackers launch millions of Java exploits
Hackers continue to launch attacks exploiting vulnerabilities in Oracle's Java software in record numbers. Citing research from a recent report, Tim Rains, a director in the company's Trustworthy Computing group, said that up to half of all attacks detected and blocked by Microsoft's security software over a 12-month period were Java exploits. Read More


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