Rabu, 08 Februari 2012

It's time to regulate Facebook

Windows 8 is the new Vista -- and that's a good thing | Ultrabook prices come tumbling down

Today's InfoWorld Blogs

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It's time to regulate Facebook
Facebook, Google, Twitter, and every other data-sucking Web giant should be forced to reveal exactly what data they collect about us -- before it's too late. Read More


Delivering better, smarter, faster business decisions
To compete today, organizations need to have key market, consumer or product insights. Through Business Intelligence, forward-looking companies are gaining a competitive edge and succeeding both tactically and operationally. Read the white paper and see how IBM® can provide the strategic platform for you to make more innovative decisions, faster. Read Now


Veeam Backup & Replication 6.0
Download this White Paper now to find out how you can develop a backup strategy for mixed virtual infrastructures (VMware vSphere and/or Microsoft Hyper-V). Read now.

Windows 8 is the new Vista -- and that's a good thing
As with Vista, Windows 8 can introduce new capabilities that will make Windows both strong and beloved. If Microsoft needs to ship a prettier version later to get that love, fine. Read More

Ultrabook prices come tumbling down
Is the bloom already off the Ultrabook marketing rose? With little redeeming value and Intel Ivy Bridge processors coming, Ultrabook prices have hit the skids. Read More

Unplug first, ask questions later
An IT pro is tasked with looking into unused servers -- and renders one useless by unplugging it without bothering to see if it's important to the network. Read More

The vision thing: Are you Steve Jobs or Steve Ballmer?
Your company's vision is about storytelling -- creating clear, compelling narratives that answer the vital question anyone has about the products your company has to sell: What's the point? Read More

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