Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Cisco advances on HP with blades spinning

First Chrome OS desktop PC will ship in July | Japan's NHK shows latest flexible OLED screen

InfoWorld Technology: Hardware

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Cisco advances on HP with blades spinning
Cisco now holds the third-largest share of the blade server market in terms of factory revenue -- not too bad a showing, considering its relatively late arrival to the party in 2009 compared to market leader HP. Read More


Tips to Tailor Your Communications Strategy
An IP-based communications system helps businesses streamline voice and data improving internal productivity and customer service, but one size does not fit all. Answer 4 easy questions to find out the best strategies to meet your unique voice and data communications needs. Read Now


Server Virtualization
Dramatic cost and agility benefits make server virtualization an essential part of any data center. Here's how to plan, deploy, and maintain a sound virtual infrastructure. Read now!

First Chrome OS desktop PC will ship in July
As the U.S. arrival date approaches for the first Chromebooks from Samsung and Acer, hardware maker Xi3 on Friday announced its own entrant in the form of a desktop PC running Chrome OS. Read More

Japan's NHK shows latest flexible OLED screen
Japan's public broadcaster has been working on flexible OLED (organic light-emitting diode) screens for several years and its latest prototype will be on display at an open-day event at its R&D center. Read More

Learn Best Practices for Achieving Pervasive Performance Management

This paper describes how companies can move toward pervasive performance management to drive greater competitive advantage and bottom-line results.
Download now.>>


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