Senin, 02 Januari 2012



Question by Lystie Faye:
How extended is a sore throat supposed to final?

I got a sore throat on Wednesday evening, then finally went to the physician on Saturday morning. The medical physician mentioned I do not have strep, and it really is a virus. Nevertheless there is nothing she could do apart from write me a note for work. Now it is quite considerably Monday morning at 4 am and I have woken up due to the fact of the anguish my throat is causing me. Totally nothing else is wrong except occasionaly a small nausea. But how long do I have to endure?


Answer by merchic_kto
About 2-2 1/2 weeks. Attempt to rest it with minimal speach and drink lots of warm chicken broth (or veggie broth if you are a veggie). Juice is also very good, but go simple on the citrus, it might flair up the infected throat. Truly, you just have to wait it out. It you can’t sleep, take some Nyquil cough syrup. It really is less complicated to down than the pills, and it’ll coat the throat.

Sleep properly, sicky.

Answer by wjc
strep comes from the term streptococcus. it is a bacterium not a virus.

If it’s just virus, then there truly is no will need for the medical physician to prescribe an antibiotic. it should go away by about five days (that ought to be adequate)

If it is triggered by a strep, a bacterium, then it might take longer than a week without antibiotics but if you ask me, i’ll tell you to have a follow up verify up. complications might possibly arise if its strep and no antibiotics are given (unless of course the physician has a reason for not giving you an antibiotic)

Answer by Martha Evans
It could be that the illness has caused you a sinus infection and if it is draining down in the back of your throat, it could make your throat sore. Is your head stuffy? Any drainage in your throat?

Attempt gargling with a teaspoon of cider vinegar in a tall glass of water. Do not place too a lot vinegar or ill will burn your throat and is negative on your teeth. You can add a little honey if you like and also, swallowing a little might aid your stomach.

Garlic can also assist with your signs and symptoms. Heat some with some butter and eat it on some toast.

You could also want to attempt a netty pot or sinus rinse (drug store or walmart sells) and rinse your sinuses out and see if that aids your throat. (see youtube videos for netty pot). If it doesn’t get much superior in the next day or two, go back to the physician .

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