Rabu, 02 Mei 2012

The real story behind the Microsoft and B&N deal

MCSE is back -- but can you rely on it? | Browser share data shows IE is on a rebound

InfoWorld Technology: Microsoft

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The real story behind the big Microsoft and B&N deal
Just a few months ago, Microsoft and Barnes & Noble were at each others' throats. Now, they've launched a historic joint venture. Find out how this deal went down. Read More


A Guide to Insider Threat Prevention
A wide range of detection and prevention countermeasures can vastly reduce the threat of malicious activity by insiders. Learn which work best and how to deploy them for maximum effect. Learn More!

WEBCAST: Nimsoft

Monitoring & Service Management for Distributed Environments
The Consumerization of IT at end points and within data centers is being driven by a raft of technology and market changes - Cloud, virtualization, exploding mobile end points (tablets, smartphones, etc.) and proliferating service providers. These changes are fundamentally shifting the role of IT organizations and CIOs. View Now

MCSE is back -- but can you rely on it?
I'm 100 percent in favor of certification exams. But I've also learned there's an obvious disconnect between a person who can pass a test and one who can do the job in the field. Read More

Browser share data shows IE is on a rebound
Microsoft's Internet Explorer in April again gained usage share, the third time in the year's first four months, to stay well above the 50 percent mark and remain the world's top browser, a Web analytics company said. Read More

Microsoft links Metro theme to jQuery Mobile, Windows Phone
Microsoft Open Technologies has made the Metro style theme available for the jQuery Mobile open source mobile user interface framework, thus fitting Metro to applications running on the Windows Phone 7.5 OS. Read More

Microsoft detects new malware targeting Apple computers
Microsoft has detected a new piece of malware targeting Apple OS X computers that exploits a vulnerability in the Office productivity suite patched nearly three years ago. Read More


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