Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

5 bad Android apps from companies that should know better

Why IT won't like Mac OS X Lion Server | Torvalds's Git: The 'it' technology for software version control

InfoWorld Daily

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5 really bad Android apps from companies that should know better
Here are some of Android's most prominent app fails, featuring big-name companies such as Facebook and Skype. Read More


Watch the Shop Talk Video: Virtualization Networking
InfoWorld contributors Paul Venezia and Matt Prigge explain how to lay a rock-solid networking foundation for server virtualization, drawing on their joint experience deploying virtualization infrastructure across hundreds of sites. View Now!


Key Considerations before Virtualizing
This whitepaper examines the various virtualization technologies and shows the range of ICT infrastructure layers where they are applied. It also shows how Fujitsu incorporates these technologies into end-to-end solutions as an essential part of its Dynamic Infrastructures strategy. Read now!

Why IT won't like Mac OS X Lion Server
Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Server adds innovative features and a new low price tag, but cuts in services and the elimination of advanced GUI administration tools may force some enterprise departments to think twice about the role of Mac servers on their networks. Read More

Torvalds's Git: The 'it' technology for software version control
Git, the open source distributed software version control system pioneered by Linux founder Linus Torvalds in 2005, is now gaining real momentum with developers. But don't count out rivals like Mercurial and the still-dominant Apache Subversion platform. Read More

The iPad quiz: Do you really know your tablet?
The iPad is packed full of features and capabilities, some unique to it and some shared with other iOS devices like the iPhone. If you own an iPad, put it away when you take this quiz -- let's see how well you really know your digital companion. Read More

InfoWorld review: Mac OS X Lion, more than multitouch
If Apple didn't have a decade-long practice of naming its Mac OS X releases after ever more intimidating big cats, one might take "Lion," the moniker attached to Mac OS X 10.7, as outrageous hubris. As it turns out, Apple couldn't have chosen a more meaningful totem. Read More

The honeymoon's over for Google+
I'm not a Google+ fanboy any more. I've been using Google+ for almost a month, and the bloom is definitely off the rose. It looks like I'm not alone. Read More

Eight free downloads that are still excellent years later
These freeware programs, such as and RoboForm, just keep getting better with age. Read More

Learn Best Practices for Achieving Pervasive Performance Management

This paper describes how companies can move toward pervasive performance management to drive greater competitive advantage and bottom-line results.
Download now.>>

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