Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

About Web Design / HTML: December 2011 Recap

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Web Design / HTML

Design Basics



From Jennifer Kyrnin, your Guide to Web Design / HTML
December is busy for many people and no less for me than anyone else. Because of all the life, it might have seemed like there was less to talk about in the world of web design, but there were still some articles you may have missed.

I hope your holidays were wonderful and that 2012 is even better than 2011! Happy New Year!

Please forward this newsletter, in its entirety, to your colleagues, coworkers and friends, anyone you think would like to learn more about web design, HTML, and web development.

Book Review: HTML5 and CSS3 for the Real World
HTML5 and CSS3 for the Real World You may have missed this nice book on HTML5 and CSS3. If you haven't learned these languages, you should consider a goal of starting to learn and use them in 2012, and this book can help.
See More About:  html5  html5 books  book reviews

Don't Limit the Content on Your Mobile Sites, But Limit It
If you're trying to create a site that is friendly to both mobile and non-mobile browsers, you need to think about how much content you are going to present to your readers in different contexts. Learn what things you should limit and what things you should keep on your mobile sites.

Color Families
Designing your web pages requires, most of the time, that you use color. And while you can use color theory to come up with harmonious palettes, sometimes it's just easier to draw from families of color. This article explains the different color families and how you can use them in your designs.

The Difference Between the DATA and CODE Elements
Learn more about the new DATA element and how it differs from the CODE element from HTML 4.


Web Design / HTML Ads
Featured Articles
How can I get the XHTML 101 exam?
What is Microdata and Microformats?
The Difference Between the DATA and CODE Elements
The DATA Element
Ultimate Windows Web Designer Setup
Ultimate Macintosh Web Designer Setup


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Living with Depression
By obtaining the correct medical intervention and learning better coping skills, you can not only live with depression, but live well. More>

9 Symptoms of Depression
If you have experienced five or more of these symptoms within the same two week period, this could be indicative of an episode of depression. More>

This newsletter is written by:
Jennifer Kyrnin
Web Design / HTML Guide
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HTML 4.01 Tags / XHTML 1.0 Elements
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