Rabu, 01 Juni 2011

Android malware racks up phone and SMS fees

The hottest IT skills are noncertified | Microsoft makes more from Android than Windows on smartphones

Today's InfoWorld Headlines: First Look

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Android malware racks up phone and SMS fees
If you or members of your company's mobile workforce have been racking up unusually high SMS and phone charges on their Android smartphones, a newly discovered malware called BaseBridge could be the culprit. Read More


Reduce Bandwidth Video Needs
Implementation of High Profile within the H.264 standard enables users to conduct video calls at reduced call speeds while maintaining video resolution and protecting the user experience. This Wainhouse Research report puts the H.264 High Profile to the test. See the configuration that results in up to a 50% reduction in required bandwidth. Read More


Is Microsoft Desktop Virtualization for you?
Desktop Virtualization provides a comprehensive suite of solutions that enables companies to give their employees flexibility to work everywhere; simplifying compliance and management through a centralized and unified infrastructure. Learn how IT is empowering users with Desktop Virtualization with this on-demand roundtable. Click to continue

The hottest IT skills are noncertified
IT professionals who spend hours cramming to earn shiny new IT certifications, such MCTS (Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist) and CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate), are seeing a decline in the extra pay boost they reap for their achievements. Read More

Microsoft makes more from Android than Windows on smartphones
Over the weekend, Horace Dediu on the Asymco blog put some numbers together and estimated that Microsoft has made five times more income from Android than from Windows Phone. I've sliced the numbers a bit differently and come to the conclusion that in the first quarter of this year, Microsoft's Android revenue probably exceeded all its Windows smartphone income. More startlingly, it looks like that topsy-turvy state of affairs is likely to continue for the foreseeable future. Read More

Obama's CTO eyes cloud, mobile options
The federal government is "bullish" on prospects for using cloud and mobile technologies, although perhaps not at the expense of existing legacy infrastructure, federal CTO Aneesh Chopra said in an interview with InfoWorld last week. Read More

Computer science grads fielding 'multiple job offers'
It's a good time to be a computer science major. Job prospects are rosy for today's graduates, who are entering the workforce at a time when tech hiring is on the rise and talent is hard to find. "We've calculated that there are about two to three open jobs for every computer science grad this year," says Alice Hill, managing director at job site Dice.com. Read More

Learn Best Practices for Achieving Pervasive Performance Management

This paper describes how companies can move toward pervasive performance management to drive greater competitive advantage and bottom-line results.
Download now.>>

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