Rabu, 30 November 2011

Is Carrier IQ spying on your cellphone? Yes.

Is Microsoft spin masking slow sales for Office 365? | Network admin eats humble pie

Today's InfoWorld Blogs

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Is Carrier IQ spying on your cellphone?
Can someone legally record almost everything you do on your phone without telling you? Yes. Meet Carrier IQ, whose software is installed on nearly 142 million handsets. Read More


Support for Virtualized Environments
In this white paper, IDC examines the importance of understanding the support requirements for a highly virtualized environment, evaluating how HP's Critical Advantage support service helps enterprises ensure their critical workloads continue to be supported at appropriate levels. Learn more


The Mandate for Converged Infrastructure Management
The white paper describes a new approach to the provisioning of IT services - one that is based on unified infrastructure management. Also, the paper exemplifies how EMC's products enable that new approach. Read more

Is Microsoft spin masking slow sales for Office 365?
Microsoft hasn't spilled the beans about Office 365 sales, but the little information we do have makes it sound to me as if the cloud suite isn't doing well at all. Read More

Network admin eats humble pie
This story took place in 1994. After being the de facto network administrator in my previous job, I now had the official title with a new job. I was taking care of a small prepress group, which had a file server running Novell NetWare 3.11. There were about 20 users; about two-thirds used Macintoshes running System 7, and the rest used PCs running DOS/Windows 3.1. I had never touched a Mac before, so supporting them was new to me. Read More

The secret to IT project success
Other than being full of thorns, project management is rarely rosy, so Gertrude Stein probably wouldn't have said, "Project management is project management is project management." But it might be. Then again ... Read More

This sort of cloud hot air could actually be useful
I always have to account for the number of computers I have running in a room. The more computers you have, the warmer the space. Indeed, I'm pretty sure my college dorm room never used traditional heat. It wasn't necessary with the four computers that were always on. What if we took this to the next level? We're building data center after data center, each containing thousands of servers, all generating heat. Perhaps we should move those servers out to homes that need to be heated: a win-win. Read More

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