Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

End the appliance-sprawl blues

Windows 8's new UI: A return to Flatland | Microsoft's Visual Studio 11 lineup adds Windows Phone, Azure tools

InfoWorld Technology: Microsoft

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End the appliance-sprawl blues
Appliances have a solid place in the IT world, but they do take up space and add hardware costs. So consider virtual appliances, especially for testing and deploying new software. Read More

WHITE PAPER: Amazon Web Services

Microsoft SharePoint on the AWS Cloud
Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides services & tools for deploying Microsoft® SharePoint® workloads on its cloud infrastructure platform. This white paper discusses general concepts regarding how to use these services and provides detailed technical guidance on how to configure, deploy, and run a SharePoint Server farm on AWS. Deploy SharePoint quickly at lower total cost on AWS Cloud. Learn how


IT Roadmap Denver – 6/20 Register Now!
IT Roadmap is the one day, cost free, professional-level conference and expo that's full of job-ready solutions you can put to work now. IT Roadmap surrounds you with technology's most-followed analysts and the industry's most-innovative solution providers, all focused entirely on building the roadmap you need in crucial areas of enterprise IT. Click to continue

Windows 8's new UI: A return to Flatland
In an amazing reversal, Microsoft intends to remove all vestiges of Vista's 'dated and cheesy' Aero interface in favor of a flat look. Read More

Microsoft's Visual Studio 11 lineup adds Windows Phone, Azure tools
As part of Visual Studio 11, the company will be releasing a version of Visual Studio Express for Windows Phone. Visual Studio Express products are intended to be easy to use, offering free, platform-specific tooling. Read More

Microsoft: Windows Vista infection rates climb
A skew toward more exploits on Windows Vista can be attributed to the demise of support for the operating system's first service pack. That's counter to the usual trend, which holds that newer editions of Windows are more secure. Read More

Dear Mozilla: Don't give up on Windows RT
Microsoft hasn't yet told us what it's going to do about allowing browsers fair access on Windows RT. Mozilla, you're carrying the ball for all of us. Go, go, go. Read More


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